The devil loves to fish in troubled waters...

Take these hands and lift them up
For I have not the strength to praise You near enough
For I have nothing, I have nothing without You

Take my voice and pour it out
Let it sing the songs of mercy I have found
For I have nothing, I have nothing without You

All my soul needs
Is all Your love to cover me
So all the world will see
That I have nothing without You

Take my body and build it up
May it be broken as an offering of love
For I have nothing, I have nothing without You

All my soul needs
Is all Your love to cover me
So all the world will see
But I love You

With all my heart
With all my soul
With all my mind
And all the strength I can find

All my soul needs
Is all Your love to cover me
So all the world will see
I have nothing

Take my time here on earth
And let it glorify all that You are worth
For I am nothing, I am nothing, I am nothing without You

Today I received a call from a friend who is being heavily attacked by the Enemy. I picked up the phone to hear her cries pouring out from her broken heart.

Spiritual Warfare is so real.

She is a beautiful, talented angel but the enemy knows how to clip our wings - through our greatest fears, our archilles' heels and even through the words spoken over us by our enemies and even our loved ones.

I stood still in Bugis Junction's food alley wishing I could be right by her side to hold her, but thanking God that though I cannot, He is.

I knew that as her heart broke a little with each sob, His heart was breaking alongside her's.

All the fears and lies pouring into her mind reminded me of the ones that once poured through mine. It is always so easy to believe in the enemy's lies and yet we find it so hard to believe in God's truth when it is darkest - perhaps that's because we humans are so skeptical of anything that seems too good. We are the afterall the ones who coined the term "too good to be true"

Shelf that skepticism
Ditch those fears
Embrace The Word o'er
words carelessly spoken
by the world

It is so easy to live a lie
To linger in the darkness
That feeds on you
Even as you feed on it

When will we learn

It is only when we turn
To face the light
That the shadows flee
And we can take flight

Free from yokes

Never meant for our shoulders
Becoming younger even
As the world calls us older

The curses are not yours

Nor is the pain you bear
Strip away the bedsores
From lying catatonic between
The deepest grief and nowhere

He has borne it all

Arms wide open
Upon that cross
Yet stubbornly we hold on
To what we should let go
Pricking ourselves with thorns
With which He was crowned

Time to emerge, Beloved

From the cocoon of old wineskin
Freshly minted

Forget not you were meant to fly

With Eagle's wings
Soaring upon Covenants and Promises
Headed for greener pastures
for Milk, and for Honey

Sometimes because we are in this world, it is hard for us to see beyond this world. When things go wrong here, it all feels so final - as if the Sun has set to never rise again upon the day. We let the Enemy put on blinkers for us so that our heart vision is limited to the vision of tribulation before us... so that we cannot see how close triumphant victory is - just a step away.

We forget whose we are because of the masquerade of politics, religion and economics around us - We wear masks, build fortresses out of worldly bricks for protection - all useless defence because they are created through our human 'might' and 'strength'.

The walls become higher with time and before we realise, we have sealed ourselves in our own prison of fear, of paranoia, of anger and hurt, of jealousy and envy; and the higher the wall is, the further Daddy seems, the further help appears to be, the more we focus on our broken dreams instead of the relationship between Divine Maker and us - broken jars of clay.

It takes courage to break down these walls of false protection. It takes courage we do not have, but that He can give us through His Spirit.

It takes faith to leap in the world's darkness -- yet not faith in our faith, but faith in His faithfulness.

It takes giving Light a chance, to be able to chase away the shadows of the past, shield against the trials of the present and immune your heart against the fears of the future.

All my soul needs is all Your love to cover me - for I am nothing, I am nothing without You, Jesus.

We should never attempt to bear more than one kind of trouble at once.

Some people bear three kinds - all they have had, all they
have now, and all they expect to have.

-- Edward Everett Hale


  1. Beloved Sister, I just want to tell you that I follow your blog quite closely and that I am never failed to be encouraged by your sharing- be it your struggles, your revelations and your thanks-giving to our loving Bridegroom Jesus.

    Abba will continue to bless you and your loving family richly!

  2. Thank you Blessed Anon Bro/Sis for your edifying message and prayers of blessing over my family & I.

    I am humbled by how He uses each one of us to touch hearts for His purpose.

    May the same Abba Father who cuddles us in His arms, shower His blessings over you and cover you with His love.

    Rejoice always- that is your best weapon! =)

    Shalom and continue to abide in Him,



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