Remaining in Armor and staying armed! =)

I was doing Quiet Time earlier today when I flipped my bible to Nehemiah 4. My eyes were led to read the following two verses -

  •  Neither I nor my brothers nor my men nor the guards with me took off our clothes; each had his weapon, even when he went for water. - Nehemiah 4:23
  • Each builder wore his sword at his side as he worked - Nehemiah 4:18 

It was truly food for thought as I wondered how many of us stay in our spiritual armor with our sword at our side as we go about our daily lives? 

This seems to be a follow-up thought that is somehow linked to my blog entry yesterday on making time for Christ. =D 

I was led later to check out again Ephesians 6:11, which further reminds us to "put on the FULL armor of God so that you can fights against the devil's evil tricks". 

According to Ephesians, this is our Spiritual Armor -

  • Belt of Truth
  • Breastplate of Righteousness
  • Feet shod with the Good News
  • Shield of Faith
  • Helmet of Salvation
  • Sword of the Spirit (ie the Word of God)
This is what I derived from chewing on the above passages - 

In this day and age of the End Times, it is important that whether we are in Church or at Work - wherever we are - to put on the full armor of God and retain the Word of God close by our sides so that the devil's lies will not affect us in anyway.

To suit up in the armor, one would first put on the we put on the Belt of Truth- to believe always in God's Truth over the world's facts. I will always have a better opinion of God even if it means being a fool in the eyes of the world. I am in this world but not of this world - that is the truth. Jesus died for me so that I have eternal life and so that I can have life more abundantly - that is the truth.

Then, I would have on the Breastplate of Righteousness - knowing WHOSE I am and to truly understand that I am the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus, so that the curses of the law have no hold over me. I am in Christ and God no longer sees me but sees me in Jesus - so as He is, so am I. Knowing this perfect love, I can cast away ALL my anxieties. Woohoo!

Next up, I'd shod my feet with the Good News - wherever I go, I will testify of His love for me and the wonders of all He has done in my life. I will speak edifying words with my mouth and encourage, not put down. I stand firm on Christ the solid rock, my foundation rock of all ages! =)

As I prepare for battle, I must not forget to hold on to the Shield of Faith - knowing that my God is truly faithful yesterday, today and for all time because He is constant. The world may shake but He is unshakeable. His faithfulness means He will keep the covenant promises made in the Scripture to my loved ones and I because Christ has paid the price and done a perfect work on the Cross.

I then strap on my Helmet of Salvation - remembering at all times that I am truly saved... not from one trial but from all trials; To never forget all that He has done for me and keep these in mind in the face of all the lies that the devil tries to flood my mind with. As long as I keep remembering His Salvation plan from the beginning of time, and how He has accomplished His perfect will (jer 29:11) already in my life, the devil cannot flood my mind with stupid thoughts, depressing thoughts, anxious thoughts or doubt.

Next - and this is important - I equip myself with the Sword of the Spirit - my weapon against the devil. Jesus is the Sword Master that showed me how to wield the Word of God against the fiery darts of the evil one. Quoting Scripture and Truth because in the face of the Light of God, darkness has no choice but to flee. "It is written..." is what i will stand on. I will not stand on what the doctor says, not on the feelings I feel in the face of trials, not on the lies of the enemy spoken through discouraging people... those are shifting sand. I will establish me and my house on the Word of God and shoot back those covenant promises at the enemy when he tries to rock my boat.

NOW FULLY CLAD - I will "always be ready and never give up" - Ephesians 6:18

So don't head out of your house naked. Be clothed in Christ.

========= Interesting note: The above was written at 11am (whilst waiting for Ian) and later in the office when I had internet access, this was what I saw on our Church devotional!! No coincidences in Christ Jesus. Amen???? =D

Clothed With Jesus’ Robe Of Righteousness

Leviticus 1:6
6And he shall skin the burnt offering and cut it into its pieces.


Do you know who first clothed man with coats of skin? It was God Almighty Himself, when He found Adam and Eve hiding behind the bushes because they were afraid of Him. They had become fearful and conscious that they had sinned against God. In their sin-consciousness, they realized that they were naked and that the glory of God, which had been their covering, was gone.

So God killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve with coats of skin. (Genesis 3:21) An animal had to die and its bloodied skin became their covering. This speaks of the blood of Jesus that covers you when He became your burnt offering. The Lamb of God did not just take away your sins. He also gave you His righteousness.

Beloved, you are covered by Jesus’ blood. You are righteous by His blood. God has clothed you with the robe of righteousness, which was paid for by Jesus’ blood. I am not talking about a physical robe made of cloth. I am talking about the robe of righteousness that was on Jesus when He said to the storm, “Peace, be still!” and there came a perfect calm (Matthew 8:23–27), when healing flowed from Him to the sick and when He raised Lazarus from the dead. (John 11:38–44)

When you believe that you are righteous because of Jesus’ blood, you will see the effects of wearing His robe of righteousness. You will see miracles happening before your very eyes. You become a blessing magnet, a favor or grace magnet. It is not your own righteousness, but the righteousness of Jesus which you have put on, that is attracting all these blessings of God into your life.

My friend, have the consciousness of being clothed with Jesus’ robe of righteousness. Every day, come to God and say, “Father, I thank You that Jesus is my burnt offering. He covers me from head to toe with His righteousness. What He is to You, I am. As He is now, so am I. I am in Him.” And you will see the manifestations of the blessings of health, wholeness, protection and prosperity that the robe attracts!


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