My Hubby- My Precious Blessing from Abba Father

When I hear about marriages falling apart around my friends or about how some people struggle with unbelieving spouses, I really feel so grateful to Abba Daddy for Ian.

Ian is an extremely supportive and loving husband. He makes me breakfast drinks in the morning, scratches the itch on my back that I can't quite reach, he massaged away a cramp in my foot, prays together with me and for me, anoints me with anointing oil every day before we head out of the house, remembers to slip on my engagement and wedding rings on my finger everyday after bath time, helps me with my housework, encourages me when I feel frustrated, hugs me when I need some love, showers me with kisses, peppers our life with humour and patience, loves my cooking, does washing up because I slaved over the stove/oven for his makan, clears the hair from the bath tub, LOVES KAE A LOT, helps me shower and change Kae on busy days, lets me sleep in if I am exhausted (coz I worked late on some stuff) whilst he settles the little one, speaks blessings over me and never ever any curses or bad stuff, tells me I am sexy and beautiful even on my tubby days, doesn't see my wrinkles or pimples or white hair, laughs at my corny jokes and never puts me down.

The list goes on.

Today I am just feeling very thankful for my wonderful husband.

And I wish he need not go Libya next year for a work trip. =p BUT I am happy he gets to see the world and I know that wherever he goes, Christ has gone ahead first to ensure his safety and favour and blessings... and He is in the Secret Place of the Most High 24/7! AMEN!!


  1. Wow Geri,

    Can I meet your husband? Think I can learn alot from him.

    The Bible says that he who finds a wife has found a good thing and obtain favour from the Lord.

    The opposite is also true.Hey Ian, you spoil market lah ! Ha ha.

    Oh! I feel like my back is a little itchy.Got to go get my wife to scatch me!

  2. Haha... you know what? I asked Mic to read your post.. and he insisted i write the following: "Let you have the car.. bathes our 2boys everyday..(pause while he got distracted by the movie on the laptop).. plus everything that she wrote & he wants me to add "and you're not even working!" :p

    hehe.. Thank Daddy God for our hubbies! Let us continue to feed on Jesus & become the virtuous & worthy bride/wives to Jesus & to our hubbies ;)

  3. Yes praise God for our hubbies indeed! =D

    Haha Jeff our hubbies really spoil market hor haha better not let ur wife read my post and angie's comment following yours hahaha. =D

    Angie sis, I intend to work less next year too and focus on helping kae with his school work and all =)
    I dun want to not be there for my baby bear. (I also want to do more quiet time as well as help out in ministry).

    I can't believe they taught him the water cycle and the 6 simple machines already in kindergarten!! I learnt that only when I was in Pri 3!

    OH YA! Mic forget to add that he also pays for a maid to help you out at home hehehe. =D Hehe.

    We should have some Christmas blogger gathering. Can hold at my place if you all dun mind. ^.^

  4. Great idea and thanks for offering up your place. We can do a potluck :)Let's arr this soon as some may be away during the festive period.

    btw, the other day, Mic was sharing with me that when some of his colleagues marvel that even thou i'm not working, he can afford 2 kids, a maid, a car & a house, he wondered how he did it. And he could only think of 5loaves & 2fishes.

    Even though Jesus had only 5loaves & 2 fishes, he fed the 5000men ot counting their families. The bread & fish just multiplied. And he believes that how it worked for us. Whatever we have, Abba God just multiplies it. Hallelujah! :D

    I believe the same goes for you too sister. That as you focus on your priorities, God will take care of the rest. Sadly, this is one principal the ladies of the world will not comprehend.

  5. Sounds cool ! Have also not met Malcolm for some time. Last time I had coffee with him at his work place,the carpark cost a bomb!

    Joo must also been busy.Not heard his comments for some time.Hey bro, why so quiet ?


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