Whose word will you believe?

"Let me tell you here and now that if Satan comes to make you feel cold, weak and defeated, you should say, ' I am victorious, for Christ is my victory.' If he comes to make you feel hasty, you still should say ' I am victorious because Christ is my victory.'

By doing so you DECLARE that what Satan does and says is a lie, because only the Word of God is TRUE. This is faith, and such tested faith is the kind that GLORIFIES God's name...

When you are faced with temptation, you will stand VICTORIOUSLY if you declare that God's Word - the word of Jehovah - is trustworthy and dependable. Whatever God says is yea and amen, and His Word is set in Heaven forever. The question now is, whose word will you believe?" - Watchman Nee

As I read this extract from Watchman Nee, his last statement reverberated within my heart.

When things go wrong and I feel upset about the situation - whose word have I believed?

When I receive bad news and panic - whose word have I believed?

“We capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ” - 2 Cor 10:5

May the Holy Spirit help us capture our thoughts as they tip toe away from the Shalom of our LORD, as they sprint away from the Secret place of the Most High.

May the Holy Spirt fill my heart, my thoughts with the best opinion of God and His beautiful glory -

“Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things” (RSV) - Phil 4:8

Sailors have a trick to stay free of motion sickness when they are on the boat. They focus on the Horizon and not the choppy waves, because the Horizon is stable regardless of all the shaking.

Similarly may our thoughts stay centred on the Grace of our LORD Jesus Christ, may we never compromise Him for the lies of the Enemy that tries to make us heart sick and soul sick with his incessant rocking of our boat.

We can take heart that he can rock and rock it, but one thing is for certain - it will not overturn because "Christ's in the vessel so we can smile at the storm". The wind and waves still listen and obey only one voice - that of the great I AM.

Be still. There is no shadow of turning with Him.


  1. Amen Geri. That was what i was trying to explain in the note to Angela. This blog says it all :) Only that we can't change the circumstances of others but we know God can. And even if circumstances doesn't change to how we want to see it, it doesn't mean the devil has the victory. God still has the final say. ;)


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