The Only One

One-north has positive connotations to new, first, winning and leading. This unique name represents where Singapore is in the world - one degree north of the equator. The direct and expressive interpretation in Chinese of one-north is translated as "the only one". Its phonetic pronunciation is "Wei Yi".

- from the One North website (

I like how the Chinese translation of One-North is Wei Yi or The Only One... I think of our Abba Daddy - The One Thing that we need. =D Beautiful then that our church will be located in such a aptly named place. Very meaningful, yes? ^.^

A friend who recently hit rock bottom in her life shared that she realised upon hitting it, that everything else is secondary and Jesus is ALL that she needs. She struggled previously with broken relationships and hurts that ran deep. Coming out of the midst of that great sadness, she realised that only one person had always been there, always loved her without fail, always cared and never abandoned her - her Daddy God... Christ her Shepherd.

I feel that to avoid hitting rock bottom, we need to know upon what are our foundations built upon - shifting sand or The Rock of Ages? Once we are secure in that knowledge, perfect love casts off all anxieties that permit the devil to whisper lies in our ears. Once we know we are more than conquerors in Christ, then can we enter the battlefield of the mind with confidence - not in self efforts, but on that perfect finished work upon the Cross. We know what to confess and what to reject in His most holy name. There is much power in the blood of the Lamb and in His name - The Christ.

I remember how a friend in her moment of desperation cried out ""JESUS!!" As His name was uttered, the dominion of the darkness that shackled her literally broke away. She felt it. She felt the oppression lift off and her illness went away.

Unless we build on the foundation of Christ, we really build in vain. Everything of this world can be shaken, it is after all a fallen world. Everything of His Kingdom is secure and constant because He is, as Max Lucado would put it, our "Middle C" - everlasting, never changing. Middle C is always Middle C. Christ is always Christ.

(To be continued... =D I go makan first... paiseh!)


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