Daily devotional on Inner Peace =D - Be Blessed! Jesus loves U!


Has your day been full of turmoil? Were you pressured to accomplish more than you could do today? This is so common in today's frantic world where everything must be done "yesterday." Thank God, there is a way to inner peace even in the midst of those worldly pressures.

When I have had one of those days, I think of the words from Psalm 23:1 "the Lord is my Shepherd." I take those five words and meditate on these thoughts. I call these "my thoughts for inner peace."

"The Lord is my Shepherd" emphasizes the fact that there is only ONE real Lord in my life, not "a" lord, but THE Lord – God Himself caring for me.

"The Lord is my Shepherd" emphasizes how divine is the Person Who shepherds me, not just a mere human, but God with all of His perfection moving on my behalf.

"The Lord is my Shepherd" reminds me of a Shepherd Who would give His life for His sheep, Who knows each by their own name, and Who would venture forth for the one who has gone astray. Such is His boundless devotion for me.

It is no wonder that the Psalmist was able to declare that, Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me All the days of my life...(Psalm 23:6).

As you meditate on each word in these verses for yourself, I assure you that a peace will come upon you in discovering that THE LORD truly is YOUR SHEPHERD.


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