Sharings from the Pastoral Care Ministry meetings =)

This Thursday was the second time I'd been for a Pastoral Care Ministry meeting. I am truly honoured to be able to serve in the Funeral Support Ministry. =)

During the individual group meetings (Pastoral Care is a huge ministry that serves from birth to death =D ), the leader for the Funeral Support team, Edwin, shared something really beautiful with us.

Edwin referred to Deut 32:47 and told us the Hebrew term for "words" in the English translation is actually "Dabar" or "Spoken Word". He also spoke about how in Joshua 1:8 we are encouraged to use our mouth to speak out the "Dabar".

At every funeral service, we lead the congregation there not just to sing - our songs are scriptural, so we are actually leading them to sing the "Dabar" Spoken Word of our LORD Jesus Christ. =)

He shared about a lady that the Ministry had been praying over recently. She was on the brink of death and the team would just keep going to hospital to speak Life through the Word of God over her everyday. That day, they had received news that her situation is stable and that somewhere inside, a part of her is self-healing to the amazement of the Doctors!

Edwin reminded us - our role is to speak and keep speaking the promises of God over our lives and those of others. How God 'makes things happen' us not our concern, it is the job of the Holy Spirit. We just speak life and keep on speaking life.

After Edwin's sharing we took turns to roleplay what happens at a Funeral. The script was quite easy to recall because I have the mind of Christ. PHEW! =D

Then, it was off to the main gathering on the 6th floor with the other teams =)

There was praise and worship first before Pris, our Ministry leader, preached from the Word of God.

The Sermon was definitely the Rhema Word for the moment and she said so many things that was relevant to the lives of my friends (ie things that I felt compelled to share with them) as well as to edify and encourage me on my walk with Christ.

I wish I had recorded what she said but here are the bullet points that I took down =D It is a little fragmented but the main gist is there. =) I will record future sermons for my own listening pleasure and meditation in the future. Hehe.

* God will position you differently in the different seasons of your life.

* We don't have to do big things, just great things (great significance in your heart) in the House of the LORD.

* Isaiah 60:1-7 -- verse 3 talks about all the blessings we will have.

* Noah means 'rest' - we rest om the Ark of our LORD and we stay in rest.

* Isaiah 60:18 - gates = praise, walls = salvation

- Therefore praise continually! Watch what your mouth utters. Praise God before you see the manifestations. Just praise and the light of God will shine in on your situation. And, where light shines upon, darkness has to flee.

* Hebrews 4:11-12
- The Word of God exposes the heart.
- Our only labour is to enter the rest. God = living and powerful Word.
- Our High Priest sympathizes so go boldly to Him to find help in time of need (v 15-16)

* Gen 49:8 - Jacob's blessing over Judah (which means praise).
- Therefore when we praise, we overcome!

* Christ has the final say over our circumstances! "Have your way LORD!"

* The ONLY life that wins is a LIFE IN CHRIST...

* Romans 8:10-11 - The Life of the Spirit dwells in us. The Life of God IS in you. The Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, is the same Spirit that is in you!! You have Life!


Note - 13th Nov 2008 is the next Pastoral Care Ministry Meeting =D


  1. Thanks for sharing! Great sermon notes! I looked up the verses in the bible that you've mentioned and just let the Holy Spirit speak to me thru those verses. How edifying. :D


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