Thoughts on Making Time for Jesus

We make time for our spouses to pak-tor (go on dates); we make time to hang out with our friends for a meal or to watch a movie together; we make time to snuggle up to our little ones and play with them; we make time to catch up with our family members... BUT when it comes to God (and sometimes exercise... lol), we say "I was busy," or "I didn't have time for quiet time. Work was so hectic today."

I know some people find that the bible is quite a bit of a chore to read and some just don't like to read period - but we rob ourselves. not the Kingdom by "feeling" that way.

The Apostle Paul reveals in his letters that the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. What is interesting to note however is that the word for Scripture that is used here is not 'logos', but 'rhema', which means an 'utterance.' 

In speaking God's Word or God's "utterance" we are able to defeat Satan in battle! Our Shepherd King shows us how - 3 times Satan came at Jesus in the wilderness and 3 times Jesus answered, "It is written" (Matthew 4:4-10). He checkmate Satan by applying the right Word at the right time. 

You see, the devil can out-talk/ out-argue and out- deceive you, but he can't play punk when it comes to God. He has no smart aleck answer to give when faced against the holy Word of God. So memorise the Scriptures, then use them as a weapon against your enemy.

We are also told in the Scriptures that faith comes from hearing, hearing the Word of God - reading a psalm aloud can brace you up for a frustrating day.

Spending quiet time can be the best way to use your time at all. 

The kid is being tough to handle, instead of screaming, head over to the loo (yes I do this sometimes as it is the most private place in the home) and read a psalm or sing a worship song that soothes the soul a bit. My current favourite quiet-time-oke songs are "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus", "Be Still My Soul" and "My Peace I Give Unto You". =D

The hubby and you having a bit of a difference in opinion? Don't grumble to your best friend... grumble to someone who CAN do something to make it better - "Take it to the LORD in prayer".

I got my Funeral Services songbook last month and started singing all the songs in it very happily and stopped at "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" because the lyrics just hit out at me - "Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh what needless pain we bear. ALL BECAUSE WE DO NOT CARRY EVERYTHING TO LORD IN PRAYER." 

So before the enemy can rob your peace and before the enemy can inflict pain upon you, carry everything to the LORD in prayer now.

Start the day off making Psalm 91 personal, end the day with Psalm 23, charge yourself up with the promises in Deuteronomy 28; and when the day is frustrating, quickly seek solace in Psalm 121. 

Don't make excuses when it comes to the Word of God (who incidentally is Christ!! - He was described by John to be 'the Word made flesh')... even if it is pockets of 2-5 minutes now and then, recharge yourself at every opportunity. 

You know when you buy electrical appliances, you need to charge it for 7-8 hrs before you first use it. And if you don't recharge it often because you stop to use it, the battery life gets shorter?

Ditto with our faith!

When we are new in the faith, we are so hungry for the Word we feed on it as much as possible. BUT when the jadedness sets in (because we think we are so familiar with the Word of God), we start to take the Word for granted and stop reading the bible, stop spending quiet time... one might come to realise that once fallen into that ladida stage, when things go wrong anxiety strikes one's heart faster and harder.

When we constantly charge ourselves up, arm ourselves with the Word of God at the end of every day, you will find that your "spiritual battery" has a longer life.

Whenever my writing feels dry, I do quiet time Word reading, Word researching or blogging about my thoughts/findings to share with my friends. In general, I feel that after I "let go and let God" as I blog, my work writing churns itself out faster and smoother. =) 

So make time for Jesus! Have your toilet breaks with Him if you really "don't have time" like Kaelen (my 6 year old). When he goes to the toilet, he starts singing praise and worship songs to Jesus. At around 2-4 years old, he'd make up his own songs to sing to Jesus. Now 6, he has his favourite hymns to sing. =D You don't have to sing in the office loo or the shopping centre loo, but you can keep a small bible or Christian booklet in your handbag to whip out in such scenarios.

You can do it - even it is just on the way to work or back, make time. My husband reads what he can each day when he goes to work. He started this good habit middle of last year, finished the NT by year end and is now reading the OT (he's at 2 Samuel). 

Even if it is half a chapter a day, just read it... even if it is just a short prayer after lunch break (grace not counted), just do it for the sake of your spiritual health & to keep-in-touch with Jesus. ^.^


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