Study on John 1: 1-5 - The Beginning of The Beginning

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 The same was in the beginning with God. 3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men. 5 And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not.

- John 1:1-5

John calls Jesus "The Word". It is interesting to note that no other gospel calls him that. =D

The Chaldee
also refer to the Messiah as being "Memra - The Word of Jehovah". They also said that much of the Old Testament that are said to be done "by the LORD" as being done by "The Word of the LORD".

Reading John 1, it is clear that the Apostle John is establishing the divine authorship of our LORD Christ Jesus. During this period of time that the Gospel of John was written, 50 years had already passed since the death of Christ. Gnosticism (pretty similar to new age Christianity of today) was rampant and John wrote his version of the gospel to debunk the Gnostics, to reaffirm the divinity of Jesus as well as to give us additional information to further supplement the other 3 gospels (also known as the sypnotic gospels). It is interesting to note once more (I've blogged before about this) that whilst the Synpnotic Gospels overlapped each other, 92% of John's content was unique and it has the most allusions to the Old Testament. 50% of the content is narrated by Christ Jesus.

The study below comes mostly from studying Matthew Henry's notes (from 300 years ago) as well as self-ponderings of the Hungri(for-the-Word) Bunni kind... =)


In the beginning was the Word. This bespeaks his existence, not only before his incarnation, but before all time. The beginning of time, in which all creatures were produced and brought into being, found this eternal Word in being.

The world was from the beginning, but the Word was in the beginning. Eternity is usually expressed by being before the foundation of the world.

The eternity of God is so described (Psalms 90:2), Before the mountains were brought forth. So does Proverbs 8:23.

The Word had a being before the world had a beginning. He that was in the beginning never began, and therefore was ever, achronos--without beginning of time.

The Word was with God, and the Word was God. When we come close to Christ we are not drawing away from God, for Christ is with God and is God.

The world was from God but the Word was with God, the Word is God. (note also Hebrew 1:3).

All things were made by him. Then was I by him (Proverbs 8:30). God made the world by a word (Psalms 33:6) and Christ was the Word. By him, not as a subordinate instrument, but as a co-ordinate agent (a partner), God made the world (Hebrews 1:2).

Without him was not any thing made that was made
, from the highest angel to the meanest worm. God the Father did nothing without him in that work.

In him was life, John 1:4. This further proves that he is God, and every way qualified for his undertaking; for, (1.) He has life in himself; not only the true God, but the living God. God is life.

All living creatures have their life in him; not only all the matter of the creation was made by him, but all the life too that is in the creation is derived from him and supported by him. It was the Word of God that produced the moving creatures that had life, Genesis 1:20,Ac+17:25. He is that Word by which man lives more than by bread, Matthew 4:4.

Yet despite being the light and breathing life into us, John makes a very dismal note - The light shines, but the darkness comprehends it not.

The eternal Word, as God, shines in the darkness of natural conscience, yet so many of us choose to close ourselves up to this shining light in favour of the darkness of ignorance. As the human saying goes "Ignorance is bliss." BUT are we lying to ourselves and how does this bring us any happiness at all? How many of us agree with the smart-ness of this world that disagrees with the Truth & wisdom of our LORD? As Paul says, it is better to be fools of this world than fools with regards to the Kingdom of God.

So what is veiling the light from us and casting us in the shadows? Try the veil of the Law of Moses. Although the law of Moses is righteous, it does not make us righteous for nobody (except Christ) is able to uphold the law perfectly. Hence the law was meant to show us our faults and our sinfulness. ONLY the grace of Christ Jesus is able to perfectly redeem us from this shadow as it casts out light towards the darkness... and where light is, darkness has to flee. Jesus came to rent (as in tear) the veil of the Holy of Holies so that the light of God can cast itself upon us directly.

Matthew Henry puts it this way (very apt) -

The Jews, who had the light of the Old Testament, yet comprehended not Christ in it. As there was a veil upon Moses's face, so there was upon the people's hearts. In the darkness of the types and shadows the light shone; but such as the darkness of their understandings that they could not see it. It was therefore requisite that Christ should come, both to rectify the errors of the Gentile world and to improve the truths of the Jewish church."


  1. Tks Angel for starting the study on the book of John! :D I was reading Max's recent email devo titled "Mary" and the person I immediately thot of is you. :)

    I was thinking last nite about starting a bible study group on FB. You think it's a good idea?


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