Turning on the Light in the Darkness

By your words I can see where I'm going; they throw a beam of light on my dark path. - Ps 119: 105 (MSG)

I have a night light at home. It has a motion sensor and a light sensor. We place it at this particularly dark corridor that leads to the bedrooms. I have a bit of night blindness (that I reject in Christ!) and Kae is kinda scared of the dark (like most kids - and again we reject this fear in Christ!)... so the night light serves as a tool to help us see where we are going in the night. =)

Similarly, when all around us seems dark and stormy - and the trials of life gets too overbearing - and we cannot see beyond our nose, we need to turn on a light. We need to go to our Spiritual Torchlight - the Bible!

Psalm 119:105 says it well - His Words are like a map, they help us see if we are walking in the right path and if we are heading along the right way. His Words give us understanding so we will not become lost as we navigate the twists and turns of life. And if that is not enough, we are even armed with an internal GPS to guide us.

Many believers get waylaid or misdirected in life because of a "lack of knowledge" - a lack of direction because they hardly check the map (The Bible), The GPS (The Holy Spirit) or turn on the light (His Word) to shine along the path they are walking upon.

We need to learn to hang on to His promises, His Truth & His directions, and not what the world tells us is the way or a fact. A wordly fact is not neccessary a biblical truth - this is something I've come to understand and it is so important for believers to understand this. Many believers think that His Truth is too good to be true, and choose to take the world's "truth" over God's perfect promises for us - that is why they live a life of defeat, their vision obscured by a veil of lies upon lies that the Devil has placed upon them.

Reinhart Bonke once made an interesting comment whilst talking with Joyce Meyer on her show. He spoke about how when we choose to walk, back turned against The Light of God - a shadow is cast before us and every step we take seems to be covered by shadows and darkness. BUT the moment we turn to face The Light, suddenly every step we take is basked in His Light, the direction is clear and the way is easy to see. Suddenly there is no darkness, just His glory shining in every area of our life. Hallelujah!

When we are filled by His Light, by His perfect love - all darkness, all fear is cast out! Praise Jesus!

So will you walk back turned towards The Light or face turned towards The Light? =) It is your choice to make today.

"And I can see a light that is coming for the heart that holds on
A glorious light beyond all compare
And there will be an end to these troubles..."
- Matt Redman


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