From my Joyce Meyer Journal - 4th Sept 2008 entry

I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).
- John 10:10

I've finally made my first foray into "vandalizing" my nice new journal. I can never bear to write in these pretty books. =) Sighs and grins.

Recently, we've been feeling a bit blue-sy and under attack career-wise. Altho' God's provision has never and will never fail us, the Devil's been launching more attacks because we refuse to turn our eyes away from Jesus. We were especially hard hit last night after the gala premiere of a new local movie by a first time local director. The show was far better than we expected and has raised the bar one notch for us and the featuring film we are planning for. (It just dawned on me that the higher the notch, the greater the grace for our film - the greater His glory! HALLELUJAH!)

The air felt thick and chokey after we stepped out of the Cinema as we also found out that due to some things I cannot discuss on this blog, we were most likely overlooked for feature film funding. It's okay though - we will STILL REJOICE & PRAISE GOD because we KNOW that He's gonna be parting the Red Sea for us, making sure our pebbles hit our Goliaths spot on - not by our might, not by our strength nor abilities, but through HIS Spirit and grace alone! Our Feature Film WILL be made, blessed lots and favoured plenty (beyond our imagination!!) by the audience and the industry AMEN!!!

Career Aspirations aside, I look at all the "nevertheless"-es (** in reference to Max Lucado's book - I will reveal it at the end of this entry) in m life and see how God has always made ALL things perfectly perfect in His Time. So I am just going to relax and enjoy the ride - He who is in us is GREATER than he who is of this world. AMEN!

No long faces for this daughter of Sarah! =D Praise God!

- Geri

There is nothing as tragic as being alive and not enjoying life - Joyce Meyer


**Nevertheless.... by Max Lucado

And the king and his met; spoke to David, saying, "You shall not come in here; but the blind and the lame will repel you," Nevertheless David took the stronghold of Zion (that is, the City of David).
- 2 Sam. 5:6-7

Did you see it? Most hurry past it. Let's not. Pull out a pen and underline this twelve-letter masterpiece.


"Nevertheless David took the stronghold..."

Wouldn't you love God to write a nevertheless in your biography? Born to alcoholics, nevertheless she led a sober life. Never went to college, nevertheless he mastered a trade. Didn't read the Bible until retirement age, nevertheless he came to a deep and abiding faith.

We all need a nevertheless. And God has plenty to go around. Strongholds mean nothing to him. Remember Paul's words? "We use God's mighty weapons, not mere worldly weapons, to knock down the Devil's strongholds" (2 Cor. 10:4 NLT).

You and I fight with toothpicks; God comes with battering rams and cannons. What he did for David, he can do for us. The question is, will we do what David did? The king models much here.

Two types of thoughts continually vie for your attention. One proclaims God's strengths; the other lists your failures. One longs to build you up; the other seeks to tear you down. And here's the great news: you select the voice you hear. Why listen to the mockers? Why heed their voices? Why give ear to pea-brains and scoffers when you can, with the same ear, listen to the voice of God?

Do what David did.
Turn a deaf ear to the old voices.
Open a wide eye to the new choices.
Who knows, you may be a prayer away from a nevertheless. God loves to give them.

Peter stuck his foot in his mouth.
Joseph was imprisoned in Egypt.
The Samaritan woman had been married five times.
Jesus was dead in the grave ?

Nevertheless, Peter preached, Joseph ruled, the woman shared, Jesus rose ... and you?

You fill in the blank. Your nevertheless awaits you.


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