Food for thought...

“The feeling of being hurried is not usually the result of living a full
life and having no time. It is, on the contrary, born of a vague fear
that we are wasting our life. When we do not do the one thing we
ought to do, we have no time for anything else—we are the busiest
people in the world.”
—Eric Hoffer

The apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 4:6 to be anxious for nothing.
Anxious people are always trying to live ahead of where they currently
are. They spend today trying to fi gure out tomorrow and the result is
the loss of simplicity. God expects us to trust Him with tomorrow just
as He instructed the Israelites to do when they crossed the barren
wilderness, pressing toward the Promised Land.

Practice living one day at a time; give yourself—your thoughts, your
conversation, your energies, every part of you—to the day at hand.

Develop an ability to give yourself to what you are doing. You will
sense an awareness enabling you to enjoy the current activity, instead
of going through each day in a blur of activity and confusing thoughts
which leave you drained and exhausted.

Do you fear you will not accomplish as much if you try to live this
way? It’s true you may not do as much, but you will also enjoy what you
do a whole lot more. One key to simplicity is realizing that quality is far
superior to quantity.

- Joyce Meyer

“If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it,
change the way you think about it.”
—Mary Engelbreit

Obedience is not always easy. Much of the time it involves sacrifi cing our ways for God’s way. Sometimes we don’t understand why, but those are the times when we need to trust Him and keep moving forward. God never asks us to do anything that won’t eventually make our lives better. Don’t be afraid to regularly reevaluate and make changes you need to make in order to keep your life on the simple track.
- Joyce Meyer


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