One Step Enough For Me

"Lead Kindly Light... Keep thou my feet;
I do not ask to see the distant scene ; one step enough for me."
- from an old hymn called Lead Kindly Light.

Some days, I feel that old impatience creep up on me; the part of me that wants to know what's round the bend or at least, take over the steering wheel so I know what is most likely up next. I think that is something we all experience because of our sheer human curiosity.

But I look back and see that all those times I took the wheel, I'd get into "collisions", "near-miss accidents", "full-on crashes". However when I allowed my Daddy to take the wheel, He'd drive me safely through the obstacles. He has the most current traffic report and knows how to manouvere us round crazy curves. He is no Speed Racer at times, but slow and steady wins the race - it all works out beautifully under His careful & loving navigation. I picture His car now and the "Baby (that's me) on Board" sign stuck to his car window. =D

We all have a license to drive, but when we realise that our driving skills will never match up to his perfect steering capabilities, that is when we know we gain the most from letting go and letting Him.

I used to need to know what lies ahead, to know everything I could... but now I know with utmost confidence that Daddy knows best. I don't need to be able to see far ahead into the future with a DIY kiasu-kiasee (scared to lose, scared to die) mentality. I just need to travel today's journey quota today and take it a step at a time - to enjoy the scenery and take time to rest under the shelter of His wings. I don't need to cover tomorrow's journey today - driving at break neck speed, thinking that it will save me time and end up losing more than I could have gained by going at a steady speed as I abide in Him.

Lead kindly light - through Your Word Daddy- through Your Holy Spirit whispering in my heart. Keep my feet on the right way, the best route in You. I trust in Your leading and I know you know where my destiny lies and I know that you have promised it is a land of no lack, a land with rest, a land with more than abundant provisions, a land of joy and victory. So steer me on - One step enough for me. =)


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