God's power is in His Word =) - Sermon from 21st Sept 2008

21st Sept 2008 - Sermon Notes
Ps Lian

Men and Brains joke -
There were 3 men who were on a hike and then midway through the hike they met with obstacle, raging river... currents strong and the men decided to pray to God for help.

1st man prayed and asked God for the strength and power to cross the river. His prayer was answered and he was given strong arms and legs. He struggled and swam against the river in 2 hours and was totally faitgued from the effort.

2nd guy prayed for strong arms and legs, plus right tools and His prayer was answered - he had strong arms, legs and a rubber dinghy. He rowed against the tide unceasingly and he reached the other bank in 45 minutes - also tired from the effort.

3rd guy prayed to God and asked God tojust give him the brains to cross this river. God looked at Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabriel - How to give Men brains?????

He derived at the solution, and poof, God had to turn the 3rd guy into a woman! The 3rd guy, or woman, looked around, saw a bridge and crossed the river in 5 mins!

LOL - Pastor Lian told the joke to illustrate that Pastor Henry is not the only wise person in his family - his wife is also a very wise woman. =)

Prior to the sermon was a very open, detailed financial breakdown and clarification about One North Project expenditure in the face of a newspaper article last week in the Straits Times.

Interesting to note that it was the Tuesday paper and when you see the first page it talks about the Lehman brother collapse but when you flip to the back page, it says Church pumps in another $220m!!! Praise God that whilst the world falls apart at the seams due to repercussions of the American property crisis, God is building up His people and His house!!

As a result of the very long clarification about our church's One North Project, today's Word that was pastored by Pastor Lian was short, but nonetheless sharp and powerful. =)

The last time she preached in March, she started by sharing Deacon Jack's testimony and how he used to be Jack Daniels - alcoholic (severe).

Pastor's answer to Deacon Jack who was discouraged then - Just keep coming back to church - the Word took root in his heart and he is now cleaned up and serving in the church.

How did God's power touch and manifest itself in his situation? Where does God's power reside?

If you ask people of the world they will agree that God is powerful but ask them where His power resides and they have no clue.

We know where - God's power is in God's Word and God's Word is God's power - Jn 1:1-5,14

It means Jesus, the Word, came in human flesh.

Jesus and His Word are the one and the same.

God wants us to know that He and His Word are one and the same and His power is in His Word.

Jesus doesn't have to appear in the flesh to orchestrate our healing anymore because He and His Word are one, and we are to take this Word and speak it to unleash its power.

His power is in that Word u hold in ur hand today in the form of your bible.

Jesus has ALL the power - Everything was created by Him. In Him is our life, and our life is the light of men. In His Word is the power for our healing, prosperity, shalom, provision - all the help that we require from Him.

SO that Word is our Life and our light.

When Jesus was faced with the devil, Jesus bound Himself to His Word.

He could have told the devil to get out or even to go to Hell, but He said "IT IS WRITTEN..."

Jesus and His Word are one

AGAIN - What you have in your bible - that is the power of Jesus.

Testimony from a couple touched by Pastor Joshua's sermon in Kuching - Thomas and Janet

This couple felt led to keep Psalm 91 in mind as they prepared for the onslaught of Hurricane Ike, and over the days Sept 10-12th they checked our church devo and they were abt Ps 91 too! Amazing for them because it was as if God was talkiing directly to them through NCC devo. Thus, they stood on the power of God's Word in Ps 91 - God is our refuge and fortress, given His angels charge over us. They chose to have a good opinion of His Word, ie. God's Word> Hurricane

Next day they wrote another email - Praise the LORD that they rode through Ike with no issues. They anointed the house believing that Ike would avoid their neighbourhood. They slept peacefully through it by the power of God - no drama in their neighbourhood. Testimony of God's protection.

God's Word is able to promise the Hurricane will passover your neighbourhood.

Judges 1:1,2 & 19

v1 - After the death of Joshua, the Israelites asked the LORD, "Who will be the first to go up and fight for us against the Canaanites?"

v2 - The LORD answered, "Judah is to go; I have given the land into their hands."

v19 - And the LORD was with Judah; and he drave out the inhabitants of the mountain; but could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had chariots of iron.

God says he "have delivered" the land into his hand - when God says it, it is settled. The men drove out mountaineers but what abt those from the lowland with chariots of iron?

What was God's Word? HE HAVE DELIVERED.

Something wrong here right? If He has delivered, He has delivered.

(( Self-note - Got this from a Commentary:

Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

19. the Lord was with Judah; . but they could not drive out the inhabitants of the valley-The war was of the Lord, whose omnipotent aid would have ensured their success in every encounter, whether on the mountains or the plains, with foot soldiers or cavalry. It was distrust, the want of a simple and firm reliance on the promise of God, that made them afraid of the iron chariots (see on [210]Jos 11:4-9). ))

The sad thing is the children of Israel did not believe completely in what God promised them. They chose to believe that they cannot drive the people of the lowlands out because of their chariots of iron.

So it is up to us whether we want to stand on His deliverance through His Word or not.

Let us believe that when God said it is settled already, it IS already settled.

God's Word is not just light - it is also like seed (think parable of the Sower in Mark4).

God's Word is like a seed, when u sow a seed in the ground of your heart, it doesn't sprout immediately - you just sleep by night and rise by day and the seed shall sprout and grow but u dunno how. It will take time for it to sprout and grow.

It doesn't happen immediately but that doesn't mean nothing is happening...

Chinese bamboo story -
1st to fourth year - see nothing despite having planted it and watered it and cared for it.
BUT in the 5th year, it suddenly sprouts and grows 90 feet tall!!

The root of that seed is growing and going deep into the heart, breaking the ground and planting itself deep inside, breaking the rocks - the hardness of our heart soil... so when it sprouts, will be a fantastic harvest!

Karen and family shared that Karen's hubby joined a new compay as treasury sales officer and for first 5 months, he could not meet sales quota. He prayed and asked for His help, and what happened was Pastor Prince, during last leader's retreat in 07, encouraged the leaders with God's Word and then asked them to sow to One North. Sow Word first then Sow your seed. So they sowed and expected of God for the Harvest. They gave a lump sum $10k - no small sum for them esp since Karen's hubby had earned no sales commission plus on top of that household expenditure had been exceeding the basic mthly salary - But they sowed in faith because God's Word had been sown in his heart. It took time but it began to bear fruit. From the follwing month onwards - was able to meet mthly sales target by 200% - this was in Dec - then in Feb he received his first sales commission 36% return ($13000+). The next time they all sowed as a family (Karen, Hubby and their kids contributed from their savings) $17420. The sales commission went up to 500% - $105,000. Able to sow again and could tell his children about how God is faithful and wrote them a cheque ten times what they gave. Sowed again and got a 500+% increase.

You must sow that Word. God's Word by itself is not the harvest.

Must sow the Word - take it and sow it in ur heart, water and speak over it and it shall produce a harvest.

Very strange if U buy a packet of seeds, then u leave it on dining table and expect it to grow a couple of durian trees. =)

Be careful what u sow; Don't just anyhow sow.

Joke about the guy who sow wrong words -

This guy was in trouble and he prayed and asked to be led by the Word. The first time he opened to see the words - Judah hung himself. He was shocked and asked for a second quote. This time he opened the bible and saw - Go and do likewise. Eeks! So he asked f0r another quote and was appalled to see it - What u do, do quickly!

Devil has no answer or defence to "IT IS WRITTEN". He knows the power is in the WORD.

Mark 4:14-20
The sower sows the word.
Mar 4:15 And these are the ones along the path, where the word is sown: when they hear, Satan immediately comes and takes away the word that is sown in them.
Mar 4:16 And these are the ones sown on rocky ground: the ones who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy.
Mar 4:17 And they have no root in themselves, but endure for a while; then, when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately they fall away.
Mar 4:18 And others are the ones sown among thorns. They are those who hear the word,
Mar 4:19 but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful.
Mar 4:20 But those that were sown on the good soil are the ones who hear the word and accept it and bear fruit, thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold."

Verse 15- We can see that the devil's intent is so strong... he is not concerned about our money or kids or position or career - he is concerned about the word of God sown in our heart. AND he knows that if he is able to steal it, anything he also can steal.

From verse 17, we can see that if you have persecution, it is the devil's way of stealing the word and our confidence in it - to rob us of that confidence.

Word of His grace, not the judgement - the good news and only the good news can BUILD US UP and give us an inheritance!

And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified. - Acts 20:32

Hear God ask for wisdom and yes, work hard and all... BUT you MUST know that it is not about all those things that u trust - Instead it is the Word of his grace that gives you His inheritiance.

So you cannot work for it. You can try to plot/scheme to get it but u can't get it that way either. His inheritance are for His Sons! We will get as we sow the Word of grace. We are built up by His Word and God can give us inheritance.

You might work but don't trust in it. We work because we know the inheritance is ours already!

So as you go abt trusting the Word of God, keep sowing and sowing the Word of grace & you shall inherit the Shalom, the blessedness, the wisdom, the provisi0n, the health - it is our inheritance!!

The Word of Grace - what an awesome word.

"Lifter of my head" - Pastor Lian found comfort in that and saw visions of a victorious David as she sang those words in a praise and worship song. Then she found the psalm it was from and was surprised.

Psalm 3 - a Psalm of david when he fled from Absalom.... David maintained a very good opinion of God during the greatest time of challenge in his life, his family was in shackles, etc... But see verse 3!!!!

Psa 3:1 A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son. O LORD, how many are my foes! Many are rising against me;
Psa 3:2 many are saying of my soul, there is no salvation for him in God. Selah
Psa 3:3 But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.

verse 1-2 -David was suffering under condemnation and guilt.

So, you think that your investment has gone horribly wrong, finito, kaput, wantanto, finished - that's according to the voice in your head... BUT David took God's Word for himself and selah-ed - reflected on the grace of God and unmerited and unearned favour. So after he selah, he "ho se lah!" =)

The Word of His grace is able to build you up and give you His inheritance.

At a time like this, things might seem bad but focus on His Word of grace so that he can build you up and give you His inheritance. AMEN!

Just keep abiding in His Word and leaning on it... Hallelujah! =D


  1. Hi Geri,
    Thanks for your notes ... it really reminded me of what i heard during the service ... it sounds exactly like the first service!
    I am really amazed at how you managed to note everything down (especially since Ps Lian was speaking really fast due to the time constraint)!
    The sermon was a good reminder to me to stand on the Word stubbornly despite current (but temporary) unfavourable circumstances.

  2. Yes Amen! I enjoyed ytd's msg too! Short but powerful. wanted to blog abt it but since u've done it, I shall take my reminder from here ;p

    Stan, I was at first svc too! :D

  3. Heya Stanley!

    Glad that the notes help refresh your memory and understanding of the sermon. =)

    I now bring my Eepc to church and I type my sermon notes on this as well as refer to my E-sword here. I think I do take notes faster by hand tho' lol but typing it here, makes it easier for me to later share it with others on my blog =D
    I basically type in points and ignore spelling errors first - amending them later on and filling in the spaces.

    It is a very timely sermon for Ian & me as well. =D It has been a stormier season but I always remind myself to pay attention to the uplook not outlook. ^.^

    Shalom! Remember FEAR = False Evidence Appearing Real. It is just lies to distract us from the Truth and the respite that lies just ahead. =)

  4. LOL Angie! =D

    Do feel free to use the sermon notes I put up each week ^.^

    I was at the last service =) We usually go for 3rd service keke.

  5. Do you find the ST very biased? It's like it is trying to 'stir shit' (pardon my french) with all that kind of reporting. Even my hubby's boss, who is not a Christian, raised an eyebrow at the COC report and wondered why the ST had to put the photos of the religious leaders there when the review was done on the organisation, not the persons. It was like trying to imply something. And I think it is very unethical of them not to print an amendment on the error when it concerns a person's reputation. If it involved the ministers, they probably would scramble to do so or else kena sued for defamation.

    Then, there was the first report about the additional investment. Notice the emphasis on 'church' and that statement about 'back of the envelope calculation', as if the church is extorting money from the members. No mention of other sources of income when any basic fact check would have brought up that fact.

    And then today, the forum letter.

    Overall, not just the biased reporting on the One North project. I have been getting rather irritated by the ST lately. Getting more and more tabloid-like. sloppy and the reporting is too dumb-down, not to mentioned biased.

  6. A few people (believers) I know from SPH and who were from there or who interviewed for a job there experienced discrimination at the work place because they are Christians before. =p

    So I am not surprised that ST was biased in their report and unapologetic. =p

    A friend was asked to resign or expect to be fired because she stood up for her belief & refused to have fengshui done to her cubicle (her whole dept in said company was made to do it because of the head of the dept's belief). =p She is still in said company (she got a job for another dept) but now kenah have to work on SUNDAYS! So no church for her =p She can't help it apparently - they scheduled her this way.

    So if you ask me, there are strongholds in that place =pp

  7. Oh ya i was fuming as I read the forum articles on these issues but after i added my two cents worth, i felt a whisper in my heart - God can fight His own battles. =D

    Shalom Shalom... the enemy is not happy and we are in the world, but not of the world and not liked or
    understood by the world, BUT IF GOD IS FOR US, WHO CAN BE AGAINST US? =D

    Neh'mind let them say what they want to say - letz just keep trusting Jesus and hey... if our leaders can earn so much, it is also a reflecction of the blessings that we, as part of the church, are experiencing too. =) They earn more = we earn more, they are favoured = we are also favoured =D

    My God has MORE than enough to go around and I believe we are blessed and given certain abilities so that we too can share those blessings with others. =)

    There will always be people throwing stones at us and calling us fools... but I'd rather be a fool for Christ anytime than be a fool who agrees with them =D


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