THIS IS MINE! - 7th Sept 2008 Sermon Outline

We are the Benjamin Generation
- Joseph's first words to Benjamin "God be Gracious to you."

We share the same mother - Grace (not Hagar but Sarah)
Sarah needs no help from Hagar too raise up Isaac!

There is a gospel revolution around the world.

People feel oblige to say "I hope so" in replies to questions that ask if u are going heaven, or that enquires if you are saved.

That's an insult - it is like saying Jesus didn't do a perfect work. =p
Do not doubt your salvation.

Faith work with certainties - certainties in the perfect work of Christ!

We have eternal life.
We are dealing with most holy and powerful things.
Whatever is most holy is most powerful.

When counselling someone (dealing with sin), it is very important to look at the sin offering and not the sin.

Dun feed on their sin but on their sin offering.

Their Sin offering = Christ!

Focus and Feed on Jesus as the one who has taken this sin - so your perspective will be loving and kind and at the same time you are feeding on Christ.

Jesus came for the imperfect - came to heal the sick not the healthy.

Sin offering deals with what you are in your nature (Root).
Trespass offering deals with what you do (Fruit).

Jesus Christ has met both sin, as the root, and sin, as the fruit.
Behold God's love for you. We thank God that Jesus is the payment for whatever sin there is.

It is the blood of Jesus that has met perfectly and eternally all sins.
It is not the size of our faith that matters neither is it about how big our faith is.

It is the blood alone that MATTERS, not our comprehension of the blood.

It is the blood that saves, heals, protects and blesses - God calls that faith in the blood.

Know that God values the blood that He shed for you; rest in God’s estimate of the blood, not your estimate of the blood.

Light does not uncover sin as sin has been removed by the blood of Jesus. The light will only expose the perfection of the work of Jesus Christ.

Jesus met all the claims of God’s holy things upon us.
Jesus came to be the trespass offering of God.

He freed us from the punishment that was meant for us.
God is just - the payment required to satisfy God's justice was borne by Christ for us.

God has recouped a richer harvest from the fields of redemption.

Before creation - Man = innocent, in charge of the Garden of Eden.

After redemption - Man = righteousness of God in Christ, in charge of universe (at right hand of Jesus)

Thank U that Jesus met the payment for my many trespasses against the Holy things of God perfectly. AMEN.

Now that Christ has taken our debt, so we dun have debt on our conscience, we are free to come boldly to the throne of Grace =D

Just imagine what happens when someone doesn't really that Christ has already paid for them their debt to the LORD. Plus it is an overpayment!! If people dunno how perfectly paid our sins are - they will not dare to stand before God.

God knew our predicament and all our sins & so He sent Himself, Jesus Christ the Son of God, to pay - Who better to meet all of God’s holy claims than Jesus, the Son of God?

So it is no longer "do good get good, do bad get bad" - We get the good we dun deserve because Christ got the bad we deserve!

God has been enriched by the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Jesus by His death at the Cross met the claims of the Holy Things of God.

At the cross, Jesus became our Trespass Offering in terms of the holy claims of the LORD. But what about the claims of Men?

Some of us have been hurt physically /emotionally because of Men's sin

So U have the injurer and injured - we are both - and at the cross Jesus took our place... He became our Trespass Offering against Men as well.

Jesus by His death also met all the needs of us and all that men sin has taken from us - so that we who have been wronged, on the cross, have been given 120% more.

Only one gospel that makes rich the injured and compensates for the injurer - and we have it! The injurer, because of the Cross, is forgiven. The injured is made rich.

When you forgive, you are setting yourself free..

The person you are angry can be 6 foot underground and you can still be under the bondage of anger - a prison cell with very thick and strong bars.

Gospel recreates/ regenerates a man who has sinned against his loved ones and sends him back to be a blessing.

We can afford to forgive because we know that 120% of what that person robs us will come back to us! AMEN!

When you forgive, you will not be without your 120% restoration.

U will be enriched!! U will be more blessed than u were before!!

There is an elevating and sanctifying power of grace in forgiveness. Whoever knows they are forgiven much will love much.

There are some people who just hate you, do not worry about them, do not bother about unruffling their feathers - many a times, these people are just plain envious/ jealous. You can't reconcile with them as much as Christ can't reconcile with Pharisees. =p

BUT it is important that you unhurt the heart of someone u hurt - ask for forgiveness from the person you hurt. God wants us to value human relationships.

It is when we do not have to that we want to.

We know that we cannot run out. We know that the Lord is with us.

God wants our heart and conscience to be liberated. Erroneous teaching will bind and imprison us.

It is a wonderful life when we are giving because because it is more blessed to give than to receive.

Everything that Jesus did is in substitution for us.

Jesus was crucified between two thieves so that from now on, we do not have to be robbed left and right! Praise God!

We need to lead lives that reflect Jesus.

The devil has no right to destroy us and our family.

When Jesus shed His precious blood, He cancelled every right the devil has to touch our family.

If a devil steals your health/ your teenagers through bad company/ steals your peace of mind/ etc. -> if you, as a believer, stand up and say "This child/ health/ etc is mine!!" The case will be brought before God and devil condemned and double restoration. (See Exodus 22:9 YLT)

Automatically, the case is brought before God and automatically devil is condemned (NOT us because "therefore there is now NO MORE condemnation in Christ")

BUT if you play dead, and let the devil have his way, the case is not fought which means the devil is not judged and condemned, and this also means that you can't have the restoration that is rightfully yours!

THIS IS MINE BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST! This is my health, my wholeness, my shalom, my happiness, my provision, my family, my career, my riches through His glory. AMEN!

Apply that in your normal life! Many believers do not dare to.

Do not accept what the devil says. (Learn how to discern lies and facts of the world from The Truth that is in The Word!)

By saying the devil has the right, you completely overlook what Christ has done and paid for you on the cross!


Do not lose sight of Jesus. Keep your eyes on Him not the storm.

The devil cannot take away from us what is ours. When we make a declaration, he has to back off.

God cannot overlook sin, but He can blot it out by the blood of Christ - so honour God by praising Him.

The Good news is this -
Because of what Jesus has done, there is nothing wrong with God, and the Word and there is nothing wrong with you - Receive! Must know this truth in the depths of your soul.

Our healing is on legal ground - God cannot help but heal U because of what Christ has done. Amen!

When U say it is yours, the devil will challenge you...

You must challenge him back - this is mine because HE bore His stripes THERE - on the cross!


- Crucial points from Pastor Prince's sermon for 7th Sept 2008


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