Bible and Young Explorer book for kids

Kae doing his own "treasure hunting"... =) I used to buy him those kiddy bibles with big pictures and big words until he told me quite exasperately - "Mummy, I want a real bible." Lol.

He has a very good habit of reading the bible daily - own time, own target, own passion.

We got him the Max Lucado Daily Devotional Bible which he loves. In fact, I borrow it sometimes because it makes the Word so easy to understand without sacrificing content. It is a very good bible for children to start with.

Another good book we just got him is a book called "What The Bible Is All About - for young explorers". We got it from Campus Crusade book store ( stop at braddell mrt station... just right next to the mrt in the yellow pages building)

It gives a good breakdown about each book of the bible and even has maps and dictionaries to help the children understand the bible in greater depth. The language is easy to understand and it is very insightful. Anyone from 6 years old onwards will find this book handy in their faith walk. Again, it is another book I borrow to read from him. Lol. =D


  1. Thanks for the recommendation! I've ordered the books for my boy. :)

  2. Cool! I hope he will enjoy reading them. How old is he?

  3. Allie's 5. Currently he enjoys the "Character Building from the Life of Jesus" by V.Gilbert Beers I got him from the Rock bookshop. Hope he'll enjoy reading the new ones too :)

  4. Nice! I was recommended that book by the lady in charge of Campus Crusade Shop too. But I can't buy everything in one shot haha... so I am intending to get that book when the pay cheque comes in. She commented that the book is as much for the parents to read as it is for the kids. Lol. Esp the side panel bits. =D

  5. Oh yes, the side panel has many interesting articles & facts. Infact, i learn alot together with him as well :)

    Read your comments on Malcolm's blog. The long one. That was one wisdom-filled comment sister :-)

    The part you mentioned on "Are we being self-righteous by admonishing? Are we trying to prove something when we comment on someone's PERSONAL BLOG? Are we perfect in our own thoughts and words and deeds ourselves? Do we not have areas of weaknesses in our lives we should first tend to? Are we so proud as to think that we have the wisdom that the Holy Spirit does not? The Holy Spirit that will teach Malcolm all things and prompt him that he is right or wrong? Have we been listening to the Holy Spirit in our daily lives and dealings with people to be able to comment the way we do??" is something i've learned or rather still learning recently.

    To hold my tongue back if I can't say anything edifying. And that in every thing I can't agree or couldn't understand abt the things others do or say, I've been in the same shoes before. Commiting the same 'crime'. I dunno if understand what i mean :p

    But thanks for articulating the above. It ministered right into my heart. You're a such a blessing, girl!

  6. Thank you Angie for the encouragement =)May we continue to bless others with the grace we have received more and more! Woohoo!

    It really was not by my wisdom that I wrote indeed. Have you ever said/written something that has wisdom, gone back and reflected on/ read it and wondered - did I say/write that? =) Definitely the Holy Spirit in operation!

    I am also learning to hold my tongue back. I used to use foul language a lot (not around my son but around my friends) but I have cut down usage of foul language. And I've been learning to judge less and edify more too.

    Well, let's keep on leaning on Christ - it gets easier when we do just that and continue to abide in Him. =D We can do it not of our efforts but in Jesus. Yay-ness and AMEN! ^.^


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