Taking it slow...

“Love is patient.” - I Corinthians 13:4

It is interesting to note that word "patient" in the original Greek scriptures is defined as this -

" Taking a LONG time to boil."

I need to learn how to be less heat up whenever Mum and I are on the phone or talking face to face. The problem is that there is so much history between she and I. Lots of stuff get dragged up over conversations - whole histories and past episodes from several seasons back; hurts and wounds get opened again. One angry word follows another angry word - until all that is left is a bitter aftertaste after the phone is put down, or when one of us walks away in a huff.

I believe this is an area that I need to speak good into and speak healing into. It is not an easy area mind you - this is probably the toughest part of my life that needs to be surrendered unto Grace.

I can see the effects of anger in our family - pent up anger that did not get airing. You know what they say about putting hot food into a fridge - you cause the fridge to break down. Same thing with storing thoughts at their angriest inside you - at some point, it will break you down. It is better to give these situations a chance to be aired and cleared up.

Anger is more contagious than chicken pox. You just need one crank in the house to have a few other grouchketeers stomping around, growling like Russian bears instead of Teddy Bears. I try my best to catch myself and stop myself, but sometimes I let Kae's grouchiness throw me into a foul mood and I end up getting overly angry and I explode. Kae does deserve a scolding sometimes - I dun believe in sparing the rod and spoiling the child btw - but it doesn't have to be done in angry or aggressive way. Firmness does not have to equate to anger. It is hard. It is hard not to feel angry when the kids talk back, or when you burn your fingers because you were irritated with some other stuff on your mind. BUT it doesn't mean you can't try not to in the midst of it.

I am learning to refuse to let my fire be stoked. The Devil comes with a ready supply of coals and a fan to join the party, but Jesus is at my door being my bouncer and the Holy Spirit will help me bounce the enemy away seven ways. Yay-ness!

When I feel like I am going to hit boiling point, I do what pressure cookers do. I let go of steam - but I make sure no one is around me first - and I kinda do it the whistling kettling style... I sing. I sing, and I praise, and I praise, and I sing until I stop bubbling with frustration and anger. Then, I cool myself further off by confessing the Word of God or singing more praise and worship songs. Sometimes, I also pray in tongues until the peace rests in my heart.

(Side note: Praying in tongues is so amazing and I realise how important it is to pray in tongues more. I have no words sometimes to phrase my feelings about something and I dunno what to pray for to solve a situation... but the Holy Spirit comes, and it takes all of those hem-ings and haw-ings & turns them into a perfect prayer. Phew! Prayer for Dummies? Pray in tongues! U can't go wrong there.)

In a world where everything has to be instant, fast, perfect and high-pressured... may we be slow-cookers instead of microwaves - may we be more patient and less quick to take offence or tear our hair out... In the name of Jesus. AMEN. =D


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