Praise and Thanksgiving

I blogged a few days ago about how "pek chek" (or frustrated) I was with my writing jobs. That I felt weary and all the deadlines were falling on the same day... I felt quite overwhelmed but ran the race obediently.

Well, praise God - each one of them was written and delivered on time. No doubts about where the inspiration came from too. I ran the race to the finishing line and I feel so blessed.

Basically I spent the day blogging and reading quite a bit as I felt in me a desire to spend time proclaiming Christ's victory and spending time in the Word. After the time spent reading and blogging, I suddenly felt inspired (1 hour before the writing was due) and was able to finish writing and delivering right on the dot - at 5pm. All script changes given to me today were corrected and submitted today too. The clients were happy with the writings and just minor tweaks were required.

Ditto with yesteryday's writings. I woke up that day to a Today Newspaper that contained inspiration for a piece I wrote. It helped me understand better a script I was supposed to write. It didn't hold complete information but reading the article turned the light bulb in my mind on.
No doubt God's perfect timing =)... coz I did not feel inspired to write at all the few days before that & I felt concerned about that.

The project manager responded that they had been trying to work out that script out since February, and she was amazed that I had been able to grasp completely what their client wanted and reworked the script to what their client was pleased with in 2 days.

Without the grace of God, the mind of Christ and the Creativity of the Spirit there would have been no way to have accomplished all of the above + receive so much favour and blessings. Thank you Jesus! =D

All the stumbling blocks the devil tried to put before me were turned into abundant blessings.
Hallelujah! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!


  1. Geri, when I commented "Writing is your ministry" the other day, i didn't know you're a writer!

    wow! pei fu pei fu... :) I enjoy reading good writings and hope to be able to do so with ease one day. Not that i'm that bad but i aint that good either.

    I pray that you'll continue to rise above your peers and be a voice for His Kingdom, bringing more to Christ. And may you derive pleasure & satisfaction from your work always. :)

  2. Thanks Angie! =D I am sure you can write beautifully too. Just ask the holy spirit to teach you all things and to be your creativity. =)

    I've a lot to learn from my writing peers too... There are days I feel overwhelmed as well. Hehe.

    AMEN to your paryer and thanks so much! Yes I hope to be a voice among the chorus praising the LORD our righteousness. =D I wish I could write full time for Christ, but till that opportunity arises, I shall do what I can where I am. I am sure that God will position us to be greatly blessed where we are right now. Amen!


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