A New Earth is A New Hoax

In brief (for those who have no time to read my lor sor postings)

Eckhart Tolle is a name to be feared. Oprah Winfrey is a name to feel great disappointment in. Oprah's book club recommendations are dangerously New Age. A New Earth is a book Christians (and even Catholics) must steer clear and have a responsibility to keep away from those they love. And nope.... Conversations With God is NOT a Christian book despite its title. ( I will talk about this next time I post)

The Lor Sor =D


Oprah Winfrey was once a Christian - I say WAS because she has veered far, far away from Christianity in to the areas New Age beliefs. It is sad because if you know her name is derived from Orpah - apparently Oprah is a mis-spelling of the biblical name - you will understand why her name is somewhat prophetic. Orpah means ‘back of the neck’; in the bible Orpah turned her back on Naomi, in our world today, Oprah has turned her back on Christ.

I have no doubt that Christ still has a place for Oprah in His heart, but that the ball is in her court right now to continue denying Him or to come to know Him better. I feel that she must have sat under wrong teachings that have caused her some pain and to greatly misunderstand Jesus and His gift of grace to us. That and the fact that she came from a poor black background and struggled with past and current problems. Some of these include child abuse, men, and weight issues. Hence, the big U-Turn away from Jesus because of all her disappointments and strife in her life.

A look at her website just shows you what she is propagating amongst her fans - the belief that each of them is their own God.

New Spirituality
  1. Who Has Authority? You are your own best authority. As you work to know and love yourself, you discover how to live a spiritual life.
  2. What Is Spirituality? You listen within for your own definition of spirituality. Your deeper longings are your compass on the search.
  3. What Is the Path to God? Many paths lead to spiritual freedom and peace. You have a rich array of gems from which to draw illumination: the world's religious traditions; mythology; philosophy; psychology; healing methods; scientific wisdom; your own experience. String a necklace all your own.
  4. What Is Sacred? Everything is sacred—your body, mind, psyche, heart, and soul. The world is sacred, too, with all of its light and darkness. Bring the exiled and unloved parts of yourself back into the fold.
  5. What Is the Truth? The truth is like the horizon—forever ahead of you, forever changing its shape and color. Let your spiritual path change and diverge as you journey toward it. You live many lives in one lifetime. The truth accommodates your growth
- http://www2.oprah.com/obc_classic/webcast/begin/seekersguide_book_b2.jhtml

An extract from a website that touches briefly on what Oprah's fans will come to learn. Be prepared to be shocked -

Oprah Winfrey will be letting out all the stops on her XM Satellite Radio program this coming year. Beginning January 1, 2008, “Oprah & Friends” will offer a year-long course on the New Age teachings of A Course in Miracles.1 A lesson a day throughout the year will completely cover the 365 lessons from the Course in Miracles “Workbook.”

For example, Lesson #29 asks you to go through your day affirming that “God is in everything I see.”2 Lesson #61 tells each person to repeat the affirmation “I am the light of the world.”3 Lesson #70 teaches the student to say and believe “My salvation comes from me.”4

By the end of the year, “Oprah & Friends” listeners will have completed all of the lessons laid out in the Course in Miracles Workbook. Those who finish the Course will have a wholly redefined spiritual mindset—a New Age worldview that includes the belief that there is no sin, no evil, no devil, and that God is “in” everyone and everything. A Course in Miracles teaches its students to rethink everything they believe about God and life. The Course Workbook bluntly states: “This is a course in mind training”5 and is dedicated to “thought reversal.”6

Also, watch this to understand what the New Age Leaders that Oprah is promoting and teaching alongside with aims to mislead people with. -

It is sad because Oprah has such a huge audience, and not all of them are Christians who are firmly rooted in their faith. I was shocked when she spoke to someone in the audience who confessed that she could not align the book with her faith, Oprah told her that she understands and that she IS a Christian too and then came up with a series of lies to assure this woman that it is okay and that the gist of it is that she tells the woman her brand of new age beliefs is perfectly reconciled with Christianity.

This was quite a scary video that I just came across as well...

What Denzel Washington and Oprah said was just so salah (wrong)! Invoking Spirits to get into an acting role - that was just shocking revelation. I am so disappointed in Denzel W for what he said. =( He is a brilliant actor but what he said was just so wrong... can you imagine an impressionable actor wannabe going "Wow! I'll try that too!" after listening to him? =p

Here is Oprah promoting "The Secret" - another new age book that takes biblical principals and made them worldy. What is sad is that she does not give God the honour for her success, but she claims it all by her own might, her own will, her own strength, her own steering...

After watching these videos, I hope you encourage people to turn away from Oprah's talk shows and to stop watching her programmes yourself. And yes avoid her website...

In John 5:43 Jesus says, "I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive." - That seems to be what happened to Oprah Winfrey...

Eckhart Tolle

Eckhart Tolle is dangerous, what he teaches and writes about are such terrible sugar coated lies and he even quotes the bible and twists The Word around to suit his agenda.

Just see this excerpt to understand what I mean -

In the Gospel story of Mary and Martha, Jesus says to Martha, “You are anxious and troubled about many things, but only one thing is needful.” (Luke 10:41)

As I was writing A New Earth, people would sometimes ask me, “What is the new book about?” And invariably, my answer would be, “I only ever write or speak about one thing.” What is that one thing? Spiritual awakening.
The One thing Christ was speaking about was faith in HIM... not Spiritual Awakening! This reminds me what Pastor Prince spoke about once - even the devil knows how to quote scripture (in reference to the devil's trying to tempt Jesus in the desert) to bring about deception.

Look at what Eckhart Tolle has to say next

Millions are now ready to awaken because spiritual awakening is not an option anymore, but a necessity if humanity and the planet are to survive. Everything is speeding up – the madness, the collective egoic dysfunction, as well as the arising of the new consciousness, the awakening.

We are running out of time. From the perspective of the ego, that’s bad news and will give rise to fear. From a higher perspective, the running out of time is exactly what is needed for the new consciousness to come into this world.
Sorry but when I saw the new consciousness in the above paragraph, the one world religion (false religion) and the AntiChrist came to my mind. =p

I also quote from a website of a guy who read "A New Earth" -

In A New Earth Eckhart Tolle gives his answers Jesus’ question. Is the Jesus of Eckhart Tolle the Jesus of the Bible and history or is it another Jesus? To be fair, A New Earth is not a book about Jesus - it is a “book about you” (p. 7). Which is also, by the way, why it is not spiritually helpful. A New Earth is an attempt at self-salvation apart from Jesus. It is not a book about Jesus because Eckhart Tolle does not believe that Jesus is the unique Son of God and only Savior. In Tolle’s view, we are going to save ourselves and our world apart from Jesus Christ. I’m getting ahead of myself….

To Tolle Jesus was one of “humanity’s early flowers” (p. 6). He like Buddha, Gautama Siddhartha and Lao Tzu was an “awakened” human” who “pointed to the possibility of awakening from the collective nightmare of ‘normal’ human existence” (p.14, 71). Jesus was not unique as the Son of God. What Jesus discovered about himself is what is, or at least could be, possible for every human if they are awakened. When Jesus said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” he was not saying something uniquely true of himself. He was pointing us to the truth about ourselves (p.71). These are the things Tolle believes about Jesus.

To Tolle Jesus is not God - at least not in the sense understood by orthodox Christianity. Tolle cannot think of Jesus as God in that way because to him God is not a personal being. God is an essence, a presence and consciousness that has become unconscious. We are all god, we are all the I Am. God is in everything and everyone and everyone and everything possesses this “being.” God is not a person to Tolle. God is not the Holy, Holy, Holy divine Lord before Whom we all must stand and give an account. Since Tolle’s view of God is distorted his view of Jesus must also be distorted.

Two things I find it unfortunate and tragic about this: First, that Tolle would use Jesus to sell his Eastern mysticism. I can’t find any other reason why he would need to even mention Jesus in A New Earth. As I stated in another comment on another post, I would not have given this book or Tolle any attention had he kept Jesus and the Bible out of it. There are a lot of books on Eastern mysticism, Hinduism, etc. filling bookstores and I never have mentioned one. I suspect Tolle uses Jesus to make what he is saying seem pallitable to Westerners, to Christians, to church people. Second, I find it really tragic that people are not more discerning when encountering this sort of thing. I find a number of people don’t seem to recognize the difference between Tolle’s view of Christ, God, salvation, human nature and eternity and the historical orthodox view.

I don’t believe Tolle can, with a clear conscience, use Jesus to buttress his views. I think he knows that as well. That is why he had to repeatedly say in his book that what Jesus said and who Jesus is has been misinterpreted and misunderstood and distorted by his disciples and his followers for the last 2,000 years. He has to say that because what the New Testament teaches about Jesus and what Jesus said doesn’t support Tolle’s paradigm of the world. Tolle cannot be intellectually honest and give an approving nod to Jesus, say what the New Testament teaches about him is wrong and do so without giving any evidence of that assertion.
Remember Lucifer?

Satan sought to be God's equal, saying, "I will ascend into heaven ... I will be like the Most High" (Isa. 14:13-14). So God threw him out of heaven and a host of the angels followed him. Since that time Satan and the other fallen angels have continued in their rebellion against God.
Satan sought to be God... this is identical to the lies Eckhart Tolle is promoting to people - That they can be their own God, their own authority. Forget about Christ and Yahweh - embrace yourself. =(

Tolle is a dangerous false teacher, a false shepherd that is out to lead people astray for the Enemy.
He is probably a part of the bigger picture to introduce and prepare the world for the leadership of the ultimate fake-o shepherd - The AntiChrist.

"Little children ... ye have heard that antichrist shall come" (1 John 2:18)


According to Ephesians 6:12, "We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

Let us not be naive to think that what we battle in this world is just office politics, backstabbers, relationship issues... on the surface level it seems that way. When you look deeper, it is a battle for your soul - a battlefield of the mind as Joyce Meyer puts it frequently. Kaelen puts it this way " The Mind is where Jesus and Satan fight. They are fighting to win you over." Has Christ won your heart completely? Or have the emotional and spiritual traps/lies set in place by the devil - losing that promotion, losing your job, a broken marriage, temptation to committ adultery - driven you away from Christ into where he wants you to be - despair and defeat?

We're in a battle against demonic forces and Satan himself. And the war rages on. But we can take heart because Jesus promises in Matthew 16:18 "I will build my church, and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it." =) Jesus has also assured us that He is OUR DOOR... what this means is that any evil spirit that wants to get to us or hurt us has to go through Him first! =D

I leave you with Psalm 91 - a treasured psalm that I've sought shelter and comfort in since I was 14 years old (that was half my life time ago)... It is a psalm I love to pray over my loved ones and myself.


1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. [a]

2 I will say [b] of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust."

3 Surely he will save you from the fowler's snare
and from the deadly pestilence.

4 He will cover you with his feathers,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

5 You will not fear the terror of night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,

6 nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,
nor the plague that destroys at midday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand,
but it will not come near you.

8 You will only observe with your eyes
and see the punishment of the wicked.

9 If you make the Most High your dwelling—
even the LORD, who is my refuge-

10 then no harm will befall you,
no disaster will come near your tent.

11 For he will command his angels concerning you
to guard you in all your ways;

12 they will lift you up in their hands,
so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread upon the lion and the cobra;
you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

14 "Because he loves me," says the LORD, "I will rescue him;
I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

15 He will call upon me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will deliver him and honour him.

16 With long life will I satisfy him
and show him my salvation."


  1. What Oprah is attempting to teach can vaguely be described as Christian doctrine. I can see her point of view...

    God has said, His children will perish because they did not know the Word. And it is sad that too many don't realize that half-truths are ultimately NOT truths and are as good empty falsehoods. These people would rather take offense at Christians then come before God with their troubled understandings. But they would collect things that they like and agree to. I believe this is what Oprah has done in her own walk.

    Yes, string a lovely necklace all for themselves. They penalize Christians and ultimately penalize themselves out of God's blessings without realizing that they are missing the whole point - GOD'S POINT.

    Mr. Tolle talks about spiritual awakening for the planet. He quotes scripture but does not seem to acknowledge the reality of the book of Revelations?


    How's that for selective Biblical doctrine?

    This book was perhaps written with the general American audience in mind, those who are generally saved and are generally Christian. They wouldn't know the difference! The religions of the world suit the flesh just fine (though others are just plain crazy) Mr. Tolle and dear Oprah would earn their buckaroos.

    Your descriptions reminds me of the same crap in Deepak Chopra's "The Third Jesus"

    Hmm... I appear to have blogged on your blog sis! :p

  2. LOL... feel free to blog on my blog all you want. *Grins.* Yay!

    "What Oprah is attempting to teach can vaguely be described as Christian doctrine. I can see her point of view..."

    I feel that Oprah seems to have discerned that the teaching of legalism in her youth was not right (ie the whole account of the pastor and what he said at the pulpit), and I think had she come to know the message of grace earlier, she might have embraced it instead of this mumbo jumbo. I understand how she is trying to find God in her own journey... but there are a lot of souls that are in jeopardy because of her personal walk of trying to balance a worldly perspective with Christianity.

    I think it is scary that those stuff can even sound almost right. But "almost" is dangerous.

    I was reading some of Tolle's stuff, and I honestly feel if you are not grounded in the Word, you will just agree with everything he says and get swept up. It's all very general mumbo jumbo emo stuff phrased in as neutral and somewhat scientific a way as possible.

    I know what you mean about Eckhart sounding similar to Deepak Chopra. Eckhart Tolle even sounds a bit like Thich Naht Hanh, who once said Jesus is a kind of Buddha, but Tolle is more dangerous I feel because he is telling everyone out there to ditch God and practice a religion of self worship. =p Even more extreme than Chopra in a way.

    This trap of getting caught in New Age Beliefs, New Age "Christianity" was what happened to me and Conversations With God when I was still studying in UK.

    CWG can be so deceptively close to your feelings about what Christianity could be about (I was not grounded in The Word then remember?), but veers quite a few angles off... as you know the further you travel at a few angles off, the further you move away from the path. By the time you realise you are like a whole lot off from where you were originally at.

    As for saying that Oprah is trying to teach is vaguely Christian doctrine, I totally disagree. We can choose to agree to disagree lah =D... but I have read several of her website's stuff (some not there anymore as they constantly put on new articles... but they made a mockery of Jesus and put God down quite badly. There was a particular offensive article a few months ago put up by one of her spiritual mentors/gurus that got me quite riled up...) and the things she says, and it is a rojak of many religions, but taking away the core elements of each belief and coming up with a new age faith itself. U know what I mean?

    At the end of the day it feels like they are trying to ease people in to the idea of a one world religion - which is antithesis to Christianity itself and somewhat mentioned in Revelations.

    So to say it vaguely resonates of Christian doctrine... I dunno.. I choose to say it is a misrepresentation of Christianity as a whole.

  3. Just to add ... Like you said - Christianity is not a pick and mix as you want deal... it is a you either believe or you don't. You can't tailor make Christianity to suit your preferences and beliefs.

  4. Oh dear, I just realized that I made TWO boo boos in one entry.

    I definitely do not disagree with you. In my first paragraph, I mean to say that what Oprah is preaching is vague Christianity, which in essense is NOT the doctrine of Christ at all. It cannot be diluted to suit anyone's preference! It is New Age beliefs repackaged for the unknowing believer and pre-believer.

    The other boo boo was of course I didn't mean to say your descriptions were crap... I meant to refer to Tolle's book according to your descriptions...

    Oi Vey. T.T


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