For me, as a Christian artist, it means to recognize that God is the source of creativity and that any great idea I have, comes from Him. Sure there is the thrill and pride of having that great idea. That in and of itself is a good thing.

And whereas the pre-believing artist will then proceed to pat himself on the back and give his ego a boost, the Christian artist should then proceed to acknowledge that the idea stems from God and proceed then to develop it to its greatest potential so far as God wills it. At the end of the day, every Christian artist should ask himself/herself; “who is this for?”

- extract from a local Christian blog

I was speaking to a Christian lady (possibly in her 40s) the other day who was once a magazine writer/ journalist. It was an interesting conversation.

She told me how she faced immense persecution at an SPH interview just because she is Christian. The 3 people interviewing her were against Christians and spent the interview slamming her faith. She obviously did not get the job.

Interestingly, she is not the only Christian journalist I know who received persecution in that esteemed “institution”. =p I had a friend who was disliked by her superior in SPH due to her Christian faith. The superior was into fengshui, and insisted in the staff having fengshui done to all their desks. My friend refused to have it done to her desk, and the superior told her to resign on her own or face the sack. =(

Even as we are ostracized for our faith, we should not feel discouraged. The bible has told us very frankly - we are not of this world. Instead, we should take heart that we were persecuted for standing up for Christ and did not turn tail and give in to Mammon and the Prince of Air (the enemy).

This lady and I also talked about media content in this day and age, and the struggle between our responsibility as Christians to write content that is uplifting and that does not have conflicts with our faith walk, as well as our responsibility in our job positions to do the work our clients/ company have given us. It is good to know that I am not alone in that struggle between world and Kingdom.

Perhaps this is why I choose to freelance ( note: I dun rule out working full time if I feel that I don't have to compromise my faith walk for that, and most importantly, if I have peace in my soul). God blesses me with projects and I also get to choose to write things that give me peace. As I live and learn with each new day, I continue to look to Christ, even more for than I used to, for creativity, strength, tenacity, wisdom and blessings. He is my ultimate boss and He will provide as long as I dare to choose Him over the World. =)

My pay cheque, my needs and wants come not from men, but from my Daddy in Heaven =)


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