Love Dare: Day 14

Love Dare: Day 14


One of the most important things you should learn on your Love Dare journey is that you should not just follow your heart- you should lead it. You should not allow your emotions and feelings to take control.

It does not mean you'll always feel lovey dovey 24/7 when you think about your spouse. Feelings can't keep the spark going in your heart, neither can obligation.

Newly weds often experience a honeymoon period.

But there's something as strong and alive as a fresh honeymoon period sort of love, and it comes from a decision we make to delight in our spouse for no limited amount of time. Love that chooses to love is truer and more powerful as love that feels like loving.

We tend to naturally look for thinks to pick on in each other. But why waste precious time bickering over little things? Life is too fleeting for these petty arguments.

Why not choose to enjoy our spouses? Remember why you fell in love with your spouse; seek their companionship; take time to know each other better; talk to each other. Accept each other for who you are- the good and the bad.

We're given a gift of free will, to choose who to treasure, how we act and react to those we interact with and love. So today, make it a point to choose love, to choose to take pleasure and enjoy your spouse. Learn from the Song of Songs- the most romantic book of the Bible. Husbands can learn how to love their wives like Christ loves the church here. Wives can learn how to love and honour their husbands with loving words here. Sure, it might cause the goose bumps to rise but this IS love- when you can love him or her even after many years together, when you can love your spouse despite the extra love handles, thinning hair, extra wrinkles and stinking flatulence from last night's baked beans. Love is to flirt with each other again, to weave dreams together again, to learn to laugh at and with each other again. Love is to delight in each other.

The Kendricks challenge that today's Dare may be directing you to a real and RADICAL heart transformation. For some it's easy, for others it seems like a far stretch; but if you could delight in your mate once, you can again. You just need to change how you view them. It begins from seeing them afresh and falling in love with them anew. You promised to treasure and love your spouse all the days of your life. It's thus your onus to get to know your spouse all over again and to thus re-experience that agape love.

Ecc 9:9; Song 2:3-4, 13-14; Prov 23:26


Purposefully neglect an activity you would normally do so you can spend quality time with your spouse. Do rooftuing he or she would love to do or a project they's really like to work on. Just be together.


What did you decide to give up? What did you do together? How did it go? What new thing did you learn or relearn about your spouse?


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