Love Dare: Day 9 ;)

Love Dare: Day 9


((- personal reflection, summary, extracts from "The Love Dare", a really awesome book. Get it for people you love so that love can change them and their lives for the better.))

The last 8 days covered some serious and crucial aspects about love and today's theme might seem unimportant next to those issues, but as you've prob come to realise, it's always the little things in life that matter suprisingly the most.

How a couple greets each other reflects the condition of their relationship. Watch the way they look at each other, the way they behave around each other, or reach out to touch each other... Our body and facial languages speak volumes.

Even the Bible shows the importance of a greeting.

Paul reminds people to greet one another warmly. He even asked fellow believers to greet a list 27 of his friends and loved ones on his behalf. He even listed them one by one. How many of us bother to go into such detail?

But we're not asked to be courteous to just the people we know or care about. Jesus said that even pagans speak kindly to those they like. See the Sermon on the Mount.

So how do you greet the people you deal with each day? You may even encounter someone you don't really like but you keep it courteous anyway. So if you can be sugar and spice to these people, why not your own spouse? Don't they deserve even more?

Most of us don't give this enough thought, and maybe it's time we do.

What's the first thing you say to your spouse in the morning? What sort of look do you have on the face when you see them? Do you sound excited, bored, happy, sad when you pick up the phone and it's them? Perhaps a cheery greeting that tells them how much they mean to you and increases their self-worth will make a huge difference to their day.

Perhaps the best greeting, and most moving one of all time, can be witnessed in the sermon of the Prodigal Son. Despite being one of the most ungrateful kids on the block, the Prodigal's Dad scanned the horizon for him everyday. When the father spotted him from way off, he ran up to him out of love, embraced him and kissed him. It was prob the son's least expected reaction after what he did to his Dad. Imagine how incredibly loved, relieved, and treasured he must have felt at the point of embrace! How do you think it breathed new life, new love into their relationship?

What sort of greeting would move your spouse's heart in a similarly moving and incredible way? How can you light the romantic spark back in your hellos? Can you caress her/him with your voice? Think of all the chances you have to make a difference with a simple greeting on a regular basis.

You don't need to be over-the-top or drama-mama, just warm, sincere, and genuinely interested in them.

Love is a choice, wraps the Kendricks in this chapter, and we can choose to change the way we greet our spouses; Choose to love.


1 Pe 5:14, Luke 15:20, Philemon7


Think of a specific way you would like to greet your spouse today. Do it with a smile and with enthusiasm. Then determine to change your greeting to reflect your love for them.


When and where did you choose to do your special greeting? How will you change your greeting from this point on?


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