Why aren't my prayers effective? Why am I stuck in a rut? - PART 1

I was asked a question the other day that provoked great thought and searching-

A sister told me how she and her hubby prayed hard about some issues but God did not come through for them. Why? They prayed so hard about it.

I think this is a question many of us struggle with at different points of our lives.

"So why does it feel like our prayers are not being answered? How can we pray effectively? What's the idea of making us wait and wait and wait for the solution to manifest? Can't God chop chop a bit since He is all-powerful?"

First of all, we need to have revelation about our problem. What is the nature of our problem? Is it internal or external? Is it a problem rooted in self-pride? Was it caused by a wrong decision that we made - ie. we were led one way but we chose to go another way? Is it nothing you did but trouble that fell upon you just as things were going great?

God is not the bad guy here and that is the number one thing you need to get straight in your heart. He did not give you that illness, that financial lack, the trouble with your MIL. God cannot contradict Himself if He is TRUTH and FAITHFULNESS. So what did Truth Himself say?

On Healing-

"Then your light shall break forth like the morning, your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard." - Isaiah 58:8

"… And by His stripes we are healed." - Isaiah 53:5

On Financial Provision-

"Honour the Lord with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine." - Prov 3:9,10

(You can check this page and the pages linked to it for more life giving quotes.)

It is important for us to know what the Bible says so that we can look at our circumstances straight in the eye and say what the Scripture says so.

Our tribulations, IMHO, arise from a few scenarios - 1) we've walked out of His hedge of protection by wilfully and stubbornly choosing our will over His; 2) we are harvesting some bad seeds sown in the past through wrong confessions; 3) we're close to a huge blessing and the devil really wants to stumble us big time so we won't get to it. So he's pulling out every single arsenal he's got (sometimes even the whole football team) to get us down and out.

It is easy to blame the devil for every crap in our life, and most of the time, you'd be right! =) In fact, as you can see from above it is prob one of the reasons we're undergoing a trial. But sometimes, we need to look at ourselves and our heart attitude too - which draws attention to the first two pointers. God has placed His hand of protection over us and through Christ, He has truly given us every single blessing He can possibly give to us BUT we need to walk in His Will.

(To be continued...)


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