Confess God's Promises of Good over your life

... not just once but every moment, every day!

You can't speak/confess positively over your situation once, go on to speak negatively over it repeatedly after that and expect things to turn around.

Everything we speak is like a seed that we sow. Sow good seeds, receive blessings. Sow bad seeds with our mouth and expect trouble. =p

I was reading one of the books by anointed pastor and preacher Charles Capp recently. Very eye opening. Just to share the gist of what he talked about in his book:

God has sent angels to minister over us. They accomplish what we speak over ourselves as we have the gift of free will.

Perhaps this is something you haven't realised yet. I've only just learned about this too. Hehe.

(BTW we have 2/3 of all the Angels to command to encamp around ourselves,
our family, our daily situations. The other 1/3 are the fallen ones that you
might not want hanging around you. Grins)

When you speak things that are contrary (ie lies that the devil put it in you to confess over your life) to the Word of God (ie God's blessings over your life), you call your angels off the job.

For instance, the bible says in Psalm 1:3 -
Whatsover he doeth will prosper. He is like a tree planted by the rivers of water. BUT if you go around saying, "Nothing I ever go ever works out for good. I always do the wrong thing," your words call the angels off the job.

You can speak words that open the door to the devil and provoke angels.

Sometimes people pray the most beautiful prayer of protection over their kids. They say "LORD, watch over them and keep them." Then they turn around and prophesy to their child, "If you play in the street you will get run over." You angel might wonder why you would want your child to get run over, but he considers your word to be your will. He will allow what your words allow. The angel may sit there on the curb and watch the child run in front of a car. He listened to your words, and considers them to be your will.

(What Charles said about the above has made me quickly renounce all
the curses I might have unknowingly spoken over any of my loved ones and believe
ONLY God's blessings of GOOD voer them.)

Uncontrolled talk can bring tragedy to your life needlessly. Foolish words and foolish prayers open the door to the devil and invite all kinds of trouble.

Jesus put it this way -"By your words you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned." - Matt 12:37

The angels hearken unto the voice of God's Word. When your words agree with God's Word (His promises to save you, to bless you, to give you victory over all things in your life), you release angels to go and accomplish what was spoken.

You may not say exactly what God said ( ie quote verses from the bible verbatim)
but let your words agree with His.

Psalm 1.:3 says "whatever you do will prosper". When you speak as though those things are true even though you have not seen it happen yet (it is in the process of happening), you will be speaking parallel with God.

BUT when you say "Nothing I do ever works out." you are perpendicular with God. That kind of talk will call your angels off the job. They will let the deal you have been working on for months fall through. It doesn't matter to them if the deal succeeds or fails - they take your words as being your will.

Keep your foot when you go into the house of God (Ecc 5:1,2) - in short, don't get your foot in your mouth while you are praying!

Hope these notes from my quiet time reading will bless you all! I sure learned a lot from Charles Capps. Ian and I have 3 of his books and we highly recommend them.

They are -

The Tongue: A Creative Force (recommended to us by our Pre-marital workshop leaders)

Angels: Knowing their purpose and releasing their power (bought from The Rock bookstore)

God's Creative Power for Healing (note: I only have this in mandarin! So I am struggling to figure out which books of the bible they refer to in the quotes. Lol. But it is still an amazing read.)


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