A Strange Dream

I had a strange dream last night.

I dreamt that Ian and I were watching TV when some stranger came into our room, he was demon possessed and was trying to attack us. Ian and I quickly took hold of our anointing oil (I have two bottles of bodyshop olive oil spray and a smaller perfume spray container of extra virgin oil that has been prayed over in my room. I carry the latter out with me usually) and anointed each other for protection. We then managed to spray the anointing oil on the guy and prayed over him. He suddenly came conscious after a struggle and got up, groggy and surprised about where he was. He walked out of our room. And you know, when spirits leave a body, they try to find another body to take over right? So another person who was possessed came in to our room. Ian and I were surprised and again we managed to pray over the person and anoint him. This happened a few times, until it hit me the gate was being attacked. So whilst Ian subdued and prayed over one person, I headed for the gate of my house. The newspaper delivery man was there but he had been possessed. The gate was open and when I tried to close it, he stuck his foot there. I sprayed the anointing oil on him and he took a step back in surprise. I quickly prayed over him from where i was in tongues (we were praying in tongues throughout the dream). He came to and continued his work. I went back to Ian and we heaved a sigh of relief. Then, Wipa, my Buddhist tenant, woke up as it was dawn. I sat her down to explain to her the situation and I was going to tell her about the truth of Christ and why she needs to renounce the idol worship when she got possessed too. We anointed her quickly and she came to and walked out of the room to prepare for work. I didn't get to tell her what I wanted to say. When she walked out, suddenly a scarier looking strong man appeared. We took our anointing oil in preparation for warfare when he took it and poured it on himself. It did not affect him. It was a more powerful spirit. The man wasn't a man U know what I mean? It suddenly dawned on me and grabbed my other anointing oil that is Extra Virgin Oil and spritz it on him. He screamed angrily and Ian and I quickly prayed over him intensively, as we prayed, the praying in tongues got louder and I was awake praying in tongues.

It has been a long time since I've come to (wake up) praying in tongues. When I used to get spiritual attacks both when I was awake and halfway in my sleep as a youth worship leader, I used to struggle to break into tongues and finally when I did, I was free of the attack.

So I continued praying in tongues, because Pastor once talked about how sometimes we sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and are led to pray and that prayer makes a difference to someone because the Holy Spirit was getting us to intercede for someone. I also covered my house, my family in Christ and prayed that we are hidden in the secret place of the most high and covered in the blood of Christ who is our gate... and because we are hidden in the secret place of the most high, I knew the demons would try to find me but cannot because i am in Christ. And they cannot get pass Christ! =D I also prayed for the angels to encamp around kaelen, ian, our family and i. When I finally felt shalom inside me, I fell asleep.

Every time I go back to serving, I get spiritually attacked. This is because he feels threatened. He feels angry that I am being active again.

AND like Pastor Prince once said... the greater the attack, the greater the blessing! The enemy tries to attack us to scare us but it is just a roaring lion with no teeth. He has no sting and no bite! Ian, Kae and I are more than conquerors in Christ and our family members are all covered in the blood of Christ and are protected outwardly and inwardly. Praise God!

I felt like this was some early warning that the enemy was trying to send out... macam hanging a pig's head on the door kind of threat . But despite his attacks, I know Christ (the extra virgin oil, Pastor explained represents Christ and anointing oil represents Holy Spirit that is in us) is greater than the enemy so he cannot do anything to me... because I have defeated him already simply because I am in Christ! Hallelujah! =D

We are victorious in Jesus and our victories in life, in the face of every attack is certain! The empty cross, the empty grave, Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father and the Holy Spirit filling us with His light is testimony of this victory! Woohoo! =D


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