On Law and Grace


It is interesting to note that the ten commandments (Law) were issued in the remote and barren Sinai desert.

Desert is a biblical symbol of desolation and temptation. There is no living water in the desert... just dust, and dust represents futility. Sinai means "teeth" or "devouring power".

The ten commandments were given in such a setting.


The new commandment Jesus gave to us was given on the day of the Passover or day of the Unleavened Bread - where the Passover Lamb was to be sacrificed. It also was the evening of the symbolic last supper.

The new commandment was given after the Son of God had shown an example of humility and servitude (washing of feet symbolises Christ's atoning sacrifice, self-surrender - versus devouring power of Sinai), after He had broken the bread and offered the wine ( symbolical of His redemptive sacrifice on the Cross that we remember today through partaking of the holy communion).


I end with this reminder -

"If people tell you, 'The Christ is in the desert,' don't go there."
Matthew 24:26

Also with regards to the 10 commandments (Law) and the new commandment in Christ (Grace)

"God called this a new agreement, so He has made the first agreement old (obsolete). And anything that is old (obsolete) and worn is ready to disappear."
- Heb 8:13

Let him who hath eyes, see. =)

( After writing this, I later posted this reflection on Malcolm's blog - just before I posted it here. )


A blog comment I made on Malcolm's blog in reply to Mango Chin:

We are the righteousness of God through Christ Jesus so our righteousness will always exceed those of the Pharisees.

It is not what we did or continue to do that made us righteous. It simply rests on Christ's perfect work on the cross, and our receiving this gift that has redeemed us.

If we continue to believe that it is what we do that sets us apart, we continue to rely on self-righteousness like the Pharisees. Then, Christ died for nothing.

There is no way for anyone to keep the law – even as Christians – that is why He had to do it ALL for us.

Our freedom was no cheap gift – it was paid blood for blood, stripe for stripe. He paid for every broken law because He knew we could not uphold any of them.

I think it is foolhardy for Christians to think that just because they have His righteousness, they can keep the 10 commandments if they train hard enough. The moment we feel angry with someone we sin. We don't even have to act on it to do wrong. Just the thought of it is enough to condemn us.

The point is that we are not asked to train to keep the 10 commandments once we receive His grace, but to continue to abide in Him and to depend completely on Him, not our efforts... That every decision we make, we don’t look at the Ten Commandments to decide whether we should do it or not... we remember His open arms and open heart on the cross, and choose to honour that unconditional love for us and to choose to remain free because He has set us free from the sins that once bound us to wrong living.

The Law is not bad or useless. It is the epitome of justice that we cannot fulfil. The establishment of the law also established sin. The moment a rule is made, it is open to be broken. That is why we say that the law can kill.

It is important for us to know that the Law was set in motion not for us to keep, but for Him to save us from it - to further reveal the all encompassing glory of His grace and its power in our lives; to show us that we cannot if we have not Christ.

Because it is acknowledging that because we can't do it on our own, that we can in Him - not by our own might, own efforts but by His Spirit. It is complete dependence on Him in every area of our life that allows us to live right.

Our righteousness is not established on keeping the 10 commandments anymore. It is not established on the stones they were written on.

Our righteousness and right living is established on the new commandment written on The Rock of Ages – our firm foundation, our LORD Jesus Christ – to base our life’s decision on His love for us so that we can sin no more.

It is based on His promises that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things, that as new creations in Him, we have the mind of Christ... that because His new commandment is engraved on our hearts, it will lead us to do the right things.

It is the reminder that we are free, so we do not have to allow ourselves to be imprisoned by fear and by the lies of the enemy or by our old character traits.

Our righteousness depends not on our doing but on our receiving.

Our righteousness is not about our independence but dependence.

It is constantly receiving His grace, mercy and love that helps us to walk in His light... it is surrendering to His will totally so as to rest secure in Him, and not merely training our will so that we become a better person according to a set of moral standards.

(Sorry for repetition of points and for being so longwinded lol)


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