Sound your Trumpets over your trials and circumstances! =D

Numbers 10

I was reading Numbers again, and altho' I am trying to read it systematically like my hubby, I tend to get overexcited and skip here and there. And I happened to open to Numbers 10 this morning. Reading it, I felt excited and I checked up on the symbols and types of this chapter.

Here, Moses is ordered to make two trumpets made of hammered silver for convoking the congregation and announcing the recommencement of a journey.

Interesting symbols and types here :

Two - symbol of witness, testimony

Hammer - Word of God

Silver - redemption, price of a soul

Trumpets - Symbol of gathering, the coming of Christ, blessing

(Also just note this also that LORD = Yahweh, Covenant Friend - also refers to Jesus Christ, Lord = Adonai, Judgement God. Notice which term is being used in the quote below-)

Numbers 10 also tells us that...

"When you go into battle in your own land against an enemy who is oppressing you, sound a blast on the trumpets. Then you will be remembered by the LORD your God and rescued from your enemies. Also at your times of rejoicing—your appointed feasts and New Moon festivals—you are to sound the trumpets over your burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, and they will be a memorial for you before your God. I am the LORD your God." - Num 10: 9, 10

Personal Reflection and Sharing

When we are feeling oppressed, whether it is out in the battlefield of this world or whilst we are in the battlefield of our mind, we are asked to sound a blast on our 2 hammered silver trumpets.

I feel that this is a reminder for us to proclaim our redemption daily (through communion and anointing oil!) , to confess out loud the blessings over us in God's Word, and to give testimony to the second coming of Christ... =) Marantha Yeshua! =D We are also to offer up a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving to God when we have something to rejoice over!

I think it is easy to say "S**T" or "Damn it!" etc. when something goes wrong, but it gives God the glory if we try not to cuss and swear and instead confess God's blessing over the situation. It can be so hard- I know- but praise God I am no longer swearing like a sailor. It was so tough at first coz my tongue had gotten used to saying all kinds of swear words and negative stuff over our daily circumstances =p

It is also easy to forget to give God the glory... when things go bad we murmur, then when things become better we can sometimes be so caught up in the blessings, we forget to thank our Heavenly Daddy. =)

I am slowly learning with each new day to confess God's blessings, to murmur less and praise more. It requires a change within but it is only when we are willing to change within that we can experience a change without (change in our outside circumstances).

Thank you Jesus for teaching me something new everyday. All praise and glory to Your most wonderful and precious name! =D AMEN!


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