Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

I am still quite the baby Christian so there are a lot of old Christian hymns that I've never heard of before. One of them touched my heart recently and I first heard at the funeral support audition.

It is called "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus".

The lyrics felt like an overflowing fountain as they washed over me.
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
Many a times when we do something wrong, we can't bear to look our Heavenly Daddy in His eyes. We fear condemnation, we are a washed by the condemning lies of the enemy. I spent some years crying in the darkness, alone and afraid and guilt ridden. I hurt myself outside to try to make it feel less painful inside. I contemplated being my own judge and taking my own life.

I felt like I had disappointed Jesus so much, how could He possibly love me any more after all that? All I heard was the cacophony of lies that I was a black sheep that was undeserving.

But when He lifted my head and I finally took a good look into His eyes, all I could see is His tender love and mercy that whisper "I love you. I forgive you. You are mine. Take my hand. Go in peace, sin no more, beloved one." There was no judgement because He had already judged Christ guilty for me. The cross was receipt of the overpayment made for me.

Gazing into those eyes then and today, I find courage, hope, love, strength to keep on walking. I refuse to look at the circumstances around me, to let my own feelings of fear paralyse me from walking in to the land of blessings upon blessings that He has in store for me. I know He is holding my hands and gently leading me through it all, making me rest when He feels I need to rest, giving me refreshment before I can even thirst, feeding me well before I can even start feeling hunger pangs.

Pastor Prince talked about how in the past, people laid hands on the unblemished lamb and the perfection of the lamb comes upon them as their imperfections are imputed on the lamb. Today I know I am not a black sheep... I am a woolly white sheep that can skip alongside my Shepherd because He has given me my once-and-for-all bath so that no matter what dirt tries to catch on my fur, it will just fall off. It can't stick to me because of His love for me that coats me with a special anti-cling called His Precious Blood.

Great is His love poured out for me... crimson love that covered me and turned me white as snow. Baaaaaaaaah =)


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