The Prosperity Gospel is the Gospel of Victory through Grace...

"Keep therefore the words of this covenant, and do them, that ye may prosper in all that ye do."

- Deut 29:9

The word "prosper" here is "sakal" in Hebrew.

Sakal means - to be expert, to instruct, to prosper, to deal prudently, to be skillful, to have good success, to teach, to have understanding, to have wisdom/ to be wise, to guide wittingly, to be victorious.

Most people mistakenly think that prosperity means just wealth.

Prosperity encompasses more than wealth! It is about having a victorious lifestyle in every area of your life... to be fruitful in all that you do. The wealth is just the bonus. When you are victorious in Christ in every area of your life, you can't help but be blessed financially. AND I believe that when I am blessed financially too - and why not I can bless others more.

I dun believe in the whole be rich and be corrupted, be poor and be holier theory. If you are well-grounded in Christ, your bedrock and foundation, and you serve Him and nor Mammon... you can be rich and still be filled with the light of His glory in your body, your heart, your mind, your soul. You can be rich to be a tool for Him to bless others around you. Those whom God trusts to bless with riches have a calling to reveal God's glory in their lives as a testimony to His faithfulness and love... as well as to use their money to help those in need and to tithe faithfully.

Some people sneer that our Senior Pastor, Pastor Joseph Prince, as well as his other pastors, and some other international preachers like Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyer preach the prosperity gospel - or what we call the gospel of grace.

I feel no anger for these naysayers or critics; but I feel sad that they would be content to preach and to listen to a gospel of defeat where sin and the curses of the law still has some level of dominion over them. This is despite what the bible says "therefore there is no more condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus". Yet many preachers out there still tell their flock, their sheep, that they should be conscious of their guilt and feel condemned, that to want to lead a prosperous lifestyle is to be licentious. That being poor and humble is the way to prove that you are a good Christian and that it is God's will that they lead a defeated life if things are going badly in their life.

For my house, we believe that grace is the person of Jesus and grace has given us victory so that we are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. Grace helps us be victorious over our old lifestyle and old behaviours so we can be new creations in Jesus. We no longer sit in our old wineskin because we are new wine. We now have a new wineskin to hold us... a new identity - that of the redeemed, the child of God, the heirs to the promises of Abraham, ruling at the right hand of God with Christ because of Christ.

I keep my heart attuned to the promises of the new covenant and the old covenant fulfilled (by the blood of the Lamb - ie. Christ's perfect sacrifice)... here, my God, my Abba is my Jehovah Jireh, my provider... and He sees it fit to provide only the best for me (and for you!). I am glad and so blessed that I am listening to the gospel of grace... the gospel of victory in Christ that is the cause of my prosperity so that I am the head not the tail, blessed coming in and going out, positioned for greater blessings and that because of my LORD and Saviour's finished and perfect work on the cross, all that I touch prospers (is victorious) for His glory! =D

Thank you Jesus! Thank you Abba! Thank You for putting my family and I under sound teaching that helps us to understand Your grace, Your mercy, Your power and Your love more and more each day. And You are indeed faithful to Your Promises because we have prospered in so many areas even as our soul prospers as we sit under good teaching and understand and treasure Your Word more. Everyday we fall in love with You more because You are our Daddy. I love you Heavenly Daddy... but my love is miniscule and nothing compared to Your GREAT & FAITHFUL love for me. I am your beloved and You are mine. =) Thank You for loving me no matter what. Thank You Jesus for paying the price for me so that I can be in You.


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