Stepping out of my Comfort Zones

Mark 6:45 - "Immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to Bethsaida (House of the Fishermen), while he dismissed the crowd.

John 6:16,17 - "When evening came, his disciples went down to the lake, 1where they got into a boat and set off across the lake for Capernaum (the village of Nahum or Comfort). By now it was dark, and Jesus had not yet joined them."

It is interesting to note that Jesus had sent his disciples out to be fishers of men , but instead they headed for the village of comfort - and apparently the two places are geographically in the opposite direction. Pastor Prince pointed these out in one of his DVD sermons shot on site in Israel.

This fresh revelation in the gospels brought about some self reflection... I think about the many times Abba tried to nudge me gently into the right way and how I stubbornly walked my way... How He had at times sent me in a direction to grow, but how I remained stubbornly seated in my comfort zone.

Like the disciples of old, I am still learning today to heed his voice and to walk his way by depending on his leading and wisdom, and none of my own.

It is hard at first to exercise those faith muscles, but the more you walk with Him, the more those faith muscles grow - not faith in your faith mind you, but faith in HIS FAITHFULNESS. =D Our faithfulness is nothing - it wavers, ebs and flows like the tide... we are like the moon, sometimes full in our understanding, sometimes unsure, other times lost. But His faithfulness is like the Sun - constant and passionate. Like the moon, we merely reflect light. The true light comes from the Son of God, Christ Jesus.

It is also hard at first to leave all the stuff they teach you in this World behind, coz we still live and work in this World. But it is no lie that the wisdom of this world is foolish in comparison to the true wisdom of the way, the truth and the life.


I am learning that the wisdom of God lies in abiding in His Word, His presence, His love...

I am slowly but surely growing in understanding of what has been accomplished on the Cross - the perfect and finished work - will also help me not fall prey to the lies of the enemy. It helps me recognise the voice of the true shepherd and not the false ones that try to lead me astray.

I am learning to confess His Word over our lives and not the lies the enemy would have me confess over myself or my family - lies of defeat and curses.

I am learning that I have been destined to reign in Christ, but that it is all HIM and His doing, and none of my my effort. =) And I have to learn to let go more, and to trust Him more. This requires stepping out of comfort zones in every area of my life... I have come to understand that I must make the first move to take the leap of faith before God can work His will in me.


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