Joyce Meyer's August "Enjoying Everyday Life" mag is out! =D

Joshua 3:3 says, …When you see the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God being borne by the Levitical priests, set out from where you are and follow it.

The ark represents the anointing of God…the presence of God…the will of God. It’s very important for us to learn to follow the will of God and not our own will or the will of others. God has a plan for you and me, and the only way to see that plan unfold is to follow the ark, or the will of God, and not our flesh, not other
people, not our emotions.

The ark of the covenant of the Lord contained the Ten Commandments. Here, it represents the will of God. (important to note - Joyce is not saying we are under law, but in this particular scenario in the passage quoted, the 10 commandments represent God's will. We are under grace and under the new covenant. =D) The children of Israel had this reminder before them of what they were supposed to do.

It also contained manna—a reminder of the miraculous provision of the Lord. You and I need to remember that whatever God’s will is for our lives, He will provide the way for us to accomplish it.

- Joyce Meyer in August 2008 "Enjoying Everyday Life" magazine

The theme for this month's magazine is about God calling us to be bold, because He hasn’t given us a spirit of fear, but of POWER. =D I also like an article in this month's mag that talks about Biblical Parenting - I think it is a timely article that fellow mummies and daddies-in-Christ will appreciate.

Click here to check the online version of the magazine out (it is a pdf file).

FYI, You can even subscribe to the physical magazine (ie they will send it to your snail mail address) for FREE. They used to send the mags out every month but I think with an urgent focus on missions (they call their world missions/outreach branch "Hand of Hope" and boy do they do some fantastic things!!), they are going to cut this back to every 8 months instead ^.^

Hand of Hope's presence in Cambodia:

If you have the means to, do sow a seed into her ministry too. We don't just have to sow into our church's ministry but if you feel Joyce and her team are doing great things for Jesus, sow something their way and touch many hearts through them. We are all part of the same body, glorifying Jesus and His tender mercies and love for us! =D

Joyce Meyer does not receive any royalties or any form of compensation as a result of ministry sales of audio and video tapes, books, CDs, DVDs or any other form of media. In addition, Joyce Meyer does not receive the honorariums personally given to her as a result of the numerous speaking engagements she accepts each year. She requests these honorariums be given directly to the ministry.

I appreciate that their ministry is transparent and financially accountable like our church is and Joyce is a good steward. Click here to read about the financial accountability of the Joyce Meyer Ministries (there have been all sorts of ridiculous and nasty rumours about her by people... but Joyce, her team and teams of independant financial auditors and the results of the IRS checks on them have silenced these people.)

I totally empathise with Joyce and her team. It doesn't meant that if your church is big it is a cult or a con job. It could just possibly be that the pastor is anointed and the sermons by him/her has touched many hearts to give to God's cause or to come worship in his/her church. Well, the greater the enemy's attack on the church, the greater God's blessings upon the church. Praise God!

I can't wait for the results of the Singapore governments checks on our church to come out in the newspapers. We know that our church has been found to be clean of all financial corruption by the authorities and the govt has even felt that the way audits and stuff happen in our church is an exemplary example for other charity organizations to follow. =) Now, to have that in black and white soon would be nice. =D


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