Hairdressing and a chance to evangelise

I went to the Hairdressers yesterday and altho' my favourite hairdresser was busy, the trip was a fruitful one - not just because my very voluminous hair was trimmed to cope with the sweltering heat, but also because I got to evangelise to two of the hair assistants that help her. =)

It began with one of them commenting on the crucifix I had being very unique. It looks like three nails bound together to form the cross - representative also of the nails that were driven into our LORD. I told her I had bought it from my church... she commented on how she thought most crosses have wings and her colleague chirped in how most had Jesus pinned on to it. Their comments opened the door to sharing about my journey from Law to Grace. I am glad that I got to sow some seeds and the one who attended to me mostly had a pretty good chat with me about her thoughts and we shared the fundamentals of what grace is, what Christ's death on the cross really means and how we are first forgiven before we are expected to live right not the other way. Right living is not why we are forgiven. Jesus forgave us first to give us the grace and strength and anointing we need to triumph over the ways of this world. She got it and I am glad she did. It took me too many years to get to where I was and if I helped give her a leg up in any way, all glory to Jesus!

You know, despite all my blogging and online commenting on some of my fav Christian blogs and forums, I am quite shy to do it in real life to unbelievers - so that was the first time in a looooooooong time. =) I feel happy that I got to share at all, and I feel like I want to share more in real life, to speak the TRUTH out loud! Malcolm's recent blog post on this has inspired me to take courage and to sow more seeds for Christ. =)

So I don't think the enemy and his team were quite pleased with my gardening attempts... today (Friday), whilst we were out with some friends, my necklace with the cross broke and dropped without me noticing. Ian also has been afflicted with 2 ulcers in his mouth and 1 in his throat in recent days. We both feel the 2 incidents are spiritual attacks to stop us from sharing =( ALSO, Ian could have auditioned for the Pastoral Care ministry tomorrow (Saturday) and I feel that because Ian is threatening enemy's territory with this decision, the enemy wants to discourage him. =p

Bully tactics by the enemy is always the same. Like a loan shark, he tries to vandalize our souls with discouragement, hang metaphorical pig's head to bring about fear in us... but he cannot shake us... we ARE IN CHRIST - immovable, unshakeable, conquerors through our LORD! =D Hallelujah!

My greatest comfort is this - God takes all things meant to stumble us and turns it for good. So guess what? I am confident that someone who needed a sign or a nudge to go back to Daddy will pick up that necklace+cross and treasure it - and that cross will once more be used to evangelise Daddy's grace to people. =D

I was telling Ian earlier on - losing the cross is no big deal to me because it is not about what I wear - it is about who I am. I AM IN THE GREAT "I AM"! =) The Cross I wear is just my way of telling people I BELIEVE IN JESUS! =) And I can always buy another cross to wear, another tool to evangelize with... =)

God is good all the time! All the time God is good!

Gonna go snooze now... very excited about tomorrow's Pastoral Care Ministry meeting. Heehee. (^.^)


  1. 1 cross + 3 nails = 4given :)

    May the Lord use your blog mightily for His glory!!

  2. I second what CybeRanger said.

    Amen to that!

  3. Amen and muchos gracias. All glory to Christ! =)


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