Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

It's a very human thing that most of us do- dwelling on our problems- and the real reason why so many of us live defeated lives despite being more than conquerors in Christ.

Today, challenge yourself to stop thinking about the myriad trials you see before you. Choose to keep an uplook instead of an outlook. Choose to see your mountains from God's perspective, not your own. It all boils down to making a choice and disciplining one's mind to stick to it.

I recall how I used to choose to listen to sad songs especially when I was very down. Yes meet the melancholic old Geri- angsty gloom cookie whose view of life was completely eclipsed by the troubles I saw around me. I asked the questions "Why God? Why me? When God? When will I get out of this?" It was the myopic me-vision I engaged in then. The longer I mumbled and grumbled, cried buckets and drank up the poison of self-pity, the longer my circumstances remained as they were.

Joyce Meyer shared once that sometimes God doesn't change the circumstances because it is us who need to change. And when we do, we perceive the circumstances differently. Seeing through Spirit eyes instead of flesh eyes, the situation suddenly seems trivial, not as threatening or disappointing. :)

Today, as you journey through your next 24 hours and beyond, choose to dwell on the possibilities of impossible things being possible. Rest in confidence that God is faithful and His Word over us does not return to Him void.

Meditate on His truths and promises- compile your own "Shield of Faith" or journal where you seek out and record one or two promises of His goodness, Shalom, favour, blessings and mercy everyday. I do that and even refer across Bible translations. I then labelled them by topic. It's helped me immensely in my walk with Christ. ;) Scripture asks- "How can two walk together unless they are in agreement?"
And how can we walk in agreement unless we know what we are agreeing on? So today get to know the plans to bless and prosper you, not to harm you, that God has in store for you. This will then empower you to dwell on the goodness and mercy that follow you all the days of your life, instead of the deceptions of the Devil. ;)


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