"And he shall speak great words against

"And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time." (Daniel 7:25).

Satan's primary tactic is to wear down the saints in Christ. He reduces our stamina a little here, shaves off our patience a little there. The way he does it is virtually imperceptible. A little at a time, he frustrates us until we lose the fruit of the Spirit. We must ask God for the discernment to see how and in which areas we are being worn down. Then, we should ask for the tactic we should use against him. But prior to all that, it's crucial that we actively seek the Word of God and to understand it. The Word of God is an important part of the full armor of God that we've been blessed with- It's our belt to hold our breastplate up, our weapon against the enemy,and it helps to develop our shield of faith. :) Lastly remember that your are God's beloved in Christ- as long as you remember and stand upon this, the devil's attacks cannot but fail. The devil may come against you one way but will flee against you seven ways- seven is the biblical number of perfection- God will eradicate the devil's attacks perfectly from your life. Keep your eyes on Jesus, not on your circumstances. :)


  1. We can counter the devil by not speaking the language of the devil :-)



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