A fallen tear

Woke up from my nap to read a message from a fellow mummy that a newborn baby boy had been found in a garbage dump- dead.

Whilst I mourned for a little life snuffed out too soon, I reflected.

My friend was saying that the Mum could've given the baby away. I totally agree, but the way I see it, the Mum prob wasn't in the right frame of mind. Throwing the baby out could have been a result of fear, anxiety, or depression. When one is emotional, one might not make the best choices. We also don't know how the baby came about- from a one night stand, a relationship she fears to lose or has lost, rape? That might have shaped her decision too.

I'm not saying her actions are justified. I'm just saying that we humans judge so easily. Let's catch our thoughts and filter them through the eyes of grace.

I know where the baby is, but I am concerned for the Mum. Is she regretting what she did? Is she under a lot of guilt and condemnation now? Is she frightened and even more depressed? Will this decision scar her psychologically? Will she see every child and feel a pain in her heart? OR if she doesn't feel these now, will she feel these later? Will these stop her from coming to know Jesus one day, or could it propel her to Him? Could she one day help others in the same boat? Or will she sink in the one she is in now?

Please pray for the many teenagers and pre- teens who are struggling with such thoughts or anxieties with regards to pregnancy out of wedlock. It's easy to succumb to a knee-jerk reaction or be forced by their family to make a regretful choice. Let's pray for wholeness of mind and emotions, healing and wisdom and love to fill them. Let's not judge them but love them no matter what. Without love or forgiveness even the best of us will never get up again.

Then, let's pray our children not be tested similarly- Ditto for us too... That God will help them guard their/ our thoughts through the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I know that Jesus weeps for these troubled little ones. It's a tough hurdle for them to cross. Let's not make it harder by judging.


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