There was a lady who lost her job and co

There was a lady who lost her job and could not pay for her home loans. So she lost her house to the bank. Despite all she did, she could not do anything to redeem the house so she was resigned to the situation. She'd been a single mum who brought her children up in that house and it was important to her. Her house was eventually put on auction one day and she went to the auction to witness it being sold off.

She cried and cried and cried throughout the auction, heart broken. The lady sitting next to her asked her what's wrong. So she told her everything. The lady asked her which was her house and she pointed it out.

When it was her home's turn to be auctioned, the lady bid and bid and bid for the house. She won the bid and turned to her new friend and said, "I came to buy a house for my son, but I realise now that God sent me here to buy this house back for you." <Testimony from Lakewood church, America>

Know this today- that God remembers you just like He remembered this woman, and the way He remembered Rachel in the Bible.

The Word of God never said Rachel remembered God but it says that He remembered her. So don't worry what your past was like, don't focus on what it's like for you now, don't look around you and be disheartened- Just look up and focus on God. :) Your Heavenly Daddy loves you! You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus- so you are much loved and much forgiven. :) And we have a great and mighty God. Be encouraged!

- Shalom, Geri ;)


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