Deepak the misleading new age guru hitches a ride

Call me skeptical... I was taken aback to see that Mr. Deepak Chopra has written a new book called "Jesus".

Before you run out to grab his book, you must know this - The last book he wrote was called "The Third Jesus"; and he also wrote "Why Is God Laughing" and another book called "The God Delusion".

Deepak Chopra is a dangerous false prophet.

He has a huge following of gullible stars and starstruck fans alike. His book has also, because of their titles, migrated from the New Age Spirituality section to the Christian Titles section of several bookstores. One of them is Popular Bookstore. =p

This dude, Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald Walsch are a new breed of new age agents of the devil (sorry I call a spade, a spade) who write books with misleading titles (eg. Conversations With God). They make mention of Jesus and God not to glorify them but to glorify mankind - claiming that we too are diety. =pp

There are too many of these books these days and there is even one series which takes biblical truths and makes them secular.... even going as far as to trademark the whole promises that are made to Abraham thingee.

I forget the titles in the series but they trademarked Abraham which bemuses me to no end. =p It is very popular and can be found in major bookstores like MPH, Kino, etc.

Then there is "The Secret" another heretic book and all the other new age books on the Oprah book list that are dangerously occult and new age. The worse part is Deepak, O and gang will have you believe that their books are legit Christian reading materials. They even try to quote the bible- but dangerously out of context!! =(

Be warned! =pp

(To read more about Deepak Chopra... check this blog out .... I randomly surfed to it.)


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