Free Mango!

A few weeks back, we were blessed with a free mango from one of the myriad mango trees surrounding the Yellow Pages building. It was sitting on the verdant grass waiting patiently for us to spot it on our way home.

It was small and green & I admit, I didn't have high hopes for a local mango. 2 days later, I realise how wrong I was. That tiny fruit was succulent and sweet.... yummerz!

Since that one bite, we realised why there was quite a bit of mango hunting around that area when the trees are adorned with these fragrant fruit.

Every night, we'd walk by those trees and pine. Finally last night, I looked up at this particular bunch that had been teasing us all month and said "Angels just let one fall to the ground - preferably when we are around it."

This morning, Ian was heading off to work when LO AND BEHOLD! There on the pavement was a perfect mango waiting quietly - avoiding being noticed by both pedestrians and birds alike - waiting just to come home to us.

So Ian picked it up and hurried home to deposit in our kitchen, where it now sits waiting to turn a sunny shade of yellow.

Thank you Jesus for even the simplest of blessings in life like this one! =D


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