One of those days...

Well with a header like that, lol... you just know I am going to be sharing my frustrations. Lol.

It was a blubbery day with overcast skies and mild showers in the afternoon... not just over Singapore, but well here on my face.

You can say it was work stress that was eating this hungribunni. =p

Thank goodness for Kae being around - the sweety stooped down beside me to sayang me.

Then it was makan time and I had comfort Rojak... which cheered me up somewhat.

Upon heading home, I realised I did not have my keys with me (Ian locked up as we left the house at the same time). Gave Ian a call then whilst waiting for Ian to arrive, we counted the number of square tiles at the lift landing outside our place.

We got to 370 when Ian arrived =) - just seeing him cheered me up.

After letting us in and lots of bear hugs and bear kisses later, he was off to work again.

Then Kae spent the afternoon on a laptop whilst I took out my newly purchased Ee PC to do my writing work.

He played Cluedo, Monopoly and The Game of Life - wish I could join in but I was trying to meet the deadling for the project. As it is the sand is somewhat running out for the pre-production stage.

Managed to finish one script and one more to go... please keep me in your prayers.

Off for dinner now... and to catch a little rest.


  1. Girl, next time if you got work to do and Kae has none, you might wanna consider putting him at my place for a playdate with allie. :) Besides my pl is pretty near yours. Speaking of which, can i invite both of you over for lunch next week? ;) lemme know your schedule. Preferably next wed or thurs as allie has classes on tues & fri afternoon :p


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