Have an Attitude of Gratitude because.... *drum roll*

Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for (S)the battle is not yours but God's..... You won't have to lift a hand in this battle; just stand firm, Judah and Jerusalem, and watch God's saving work for you take shape. Don't be afraid, don't waver. March out boldly tomorrow—God is with you.- 2 Chron 20:15 (NASB) & 17 (MSG)

The Battle is NOT yours... it is GOD's!!!!!!!! =D

See what happened later on... (jaw dropping stuff)

8-19 Then Jehoshaphat knelt down, bowing with his face to the ground. All Judah and Jerusalem did the same, worshiping God. The Levites (both Kohathites and Korahites) stood to their feet to praise God, the God of Israel; they praised at the top of their lungs!

20 They were up early in the morning, ready to march into the wilderness of Tekoa. As they were leaving, Jehoshaphat stood up and said, "Listen Judah and Jerusalem! Listen to what I have to say! Believe firmly in God, your God, and your lives will be firm! Believe in your prophets and you'll come out on top!"

21 After talking it over with the people, Jehoshaphat appointed a choir for God; dressed in holy robes, they were to march ahead of the troops, singing,
Give thanks to God, His love never quits.

22-23 As soon as they started shouting and praising, God set ambushes against the men of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir as they were attacking Judah, and they all ended up dead. The Ammonites and Moabites mistakenly attacked those from Mount Seir and massacred them. Then, further confused, they went at each other, and all ended up killed.

Our breakthrough comes about as we praise and worship, as we declare His victory in song! So sing, praise and worship the LORD!

Hallelujah for the revelation! The joy of the LORD is my strength!


  1. Dear Hungribunni,
    Thank you for creating this blog.... it is so wonderful to be able to know the messages Pastor Mark Ng preaches.

    My name is Criste and my family was attending New Creation Church till we move to Perth, Australia late last year. We missed Pastor Prince, Pastor Mark and Pastor Lian's preaching so much. I was able to purchase Pastor Prince CDs from the website but not on Pastor Mark and Pastor Lian. I hv sent my queries to the NCC Tape Ministries but as usual, they never reply to my email.

    It is good that we are still able to enjoy the sermons by Pastor Mark through you. I am keeping your website as one of my favourite my bookmark. Please do not stop writing.

    Thanks once again and May God Bless you & your family.

    email : cristebong@hotmail.com

  2. Hey Criste! =D

    I've emailed you. I am very happy that the blog is ministering to you and your loved ones.

    I will endeavour to put up more transcripts soon =)

    Bear with my speed - I've just had a flood of projects come in, so there are quite a few things to clear up for work before I can write =)

    God bless and pray for my hubby and I to have rest that is needful and that we will continue to be provided for with no sorrow. Amen?
    I believe the same for your family in Perth and yourself. Amen =)


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