Just to share an extract from Peter Youngren's email to those who are following his ministry's progress -

This is an amazing sharing and I felt like I just had to put it up. For those of you who do not know Peter Youngren, he has been extremely successful (in Christ) in bringing the message of Jesus to the Muslims in Indonesia and Africa... some of the toughest places in the world to evangelize in. You can go to youtube and search for his name to see video testimonies from muslims who were healed because of Peter's ministry in their country. They are most moving and are amazing testimonies.

The face and the words of Wakili from Nigeria are indelibly etched in my memory. The platform was filled with people ready to testify of a healing, and one by one they spoke with a sense of awe and wonder at the love of Jesus. Then it was Wakili’s turn. He was one of about a dozen people who had been healed of paralysis that night. Nine years earlier, a stroke had incapacitated his left side, and now it was evident to everyone that full mobility was restored.

The people clapped and shouted praises when Wakili testified. After he finished, I continued interviewing others, but out of the corner of my eye I saw Wakili standing at the edge of the platform, looking intently toward me, as if he still had some unfinished business. The testimonies continued, and each one who had been healed gave their medical records and other details before they left the platform, but not Wakili, he just stood there.

Finally, I beckoned him to come and the translator whispered Wakili’s concern in my ear, “How much does this cost? Where do I pay for my healing, here on the platform or is the till at the bottom of the ramp?”

Now, remember, Wakili was a Muslim, and it just seemed so incredible that he had been instantly healed and there was no cost involved. After all, for the past nine years he had spent a lot of money going to various doctors.

Geraldine, as you can imagine, I couldn’t resist the opportunity to bring Wakili back to the microphone and tell the audience of his concern. It gave me an opportunity to preach another short message about the fact that everything Jesus provides, whether salvation, healing, or any other blessing, is free.

We don’t pay for God’s blessing, because Jesus already paid for it.

Wakili’s question somehow represents what the whole world is asking; “What will it cost? What do I have to do to please God? How can I make God happy with me?” To many, the Gospel simply seems too good to be true, especially to those who have a religious, legalistic mind. How can you get something for nothing? How could Jesus pay in full the debt I owed? It just doesn’t seem right!

The whole world understands the idea of, “do good, get good; do bad, get bad”. When you share the gospel, it has a shock effect. How can we who have done bad, receive the good that Jesus deserved?

Yet, that is the nature of God’s grace; we don’t get what we deserve, we get what Jesus deserved.


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