On Philippians 2:12

"Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling" - Philippians 2:12

Ah yes... that famous oft misquoted quote. =) When wrongly preached, it can cause condemnation that finds its root in law, instead of confidence/ courage that comes from being victorious in Him and filled with His grace.

Malcolm blogged on it today and I thought it was a very well written reflection.

This was part of the comment I left on the page, to add to the reflection .... =D (As usual, it is a bit more polished up as I correct typos and further add to my earlier thoughts.)

My opinion is that Paul is asking us to be mindful of the life we live, to continue to abide in Christ with the utmost care and diligence. Not to live taking for granted the grace we have, making it cheap by living the
licentious lifestyle that we led before accepting Christ.

I do not think it means for us to walk around thinking that an ACME anvil is going to fall from the sky and crush us (ala the cartoon "Road Runner") when we do wrong, or to see God as a constantly angry deity.

Neither does it ask us to live under the rule of the Law again. If that is so, then Paul would have contradicted himself in Philippians and Galatians.

I also feel strongly that the problem is people like to quote v12 without quoting v13 which is part of the SAME sentence. The 2 verses are seperated by a comma not a full stop!!

v13 says - "... for it is God who works in you to will and to act
according to his good purpose."

IMHO It makes a whole world of difference when you quote verse 12 and 13 in the same breath. Verse 13 tells you the context of verse 12.

Also, note that the term "work" in v12 is "katergazomai" in Greek (perform). The two terms "kata" and "ergazomai" which form the word can be defined this way- "minister/commit" (ergazomai) "according
to" (kata).

So it is not just "work out" as the English translation says. =D

I decided to translate Phil 2:12,13 directly from actual Greek in the following paragraph...when you see words bracketed by { }, it means it is a string of Greek meanings that is represented by a mere one word in the English translation. =) I've also tried to colour code it.

Paul is asking us in Phil 2:12-13 to - live our lives continuing to {committing/ ministering} {according to} our salvation - keeping ourselves {alarmed (I wonder if this means constantly on the alert?)} and {trembling (-on our toes?)}- for it is God who is {mighty/ efficient/ active/ showing forth} in you both {to love/ delight in/ to desire} to {be effectual} of His {good pleasure}.

Just in case, here it is colour coded and in English to match the Greek-

"...continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you both to will and to act according to His good purpose. "


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